Posted on March 20, 2023March 20, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , ,

Will There be a European Federation?

No, not anytime soon. Better questions, should there be? Nope, not now. Don’t get me wrong. I’m an American and have a soft spot in my heart for federations. Also a Star Trek fan so I am very fond of federations. I just can’t see Europe as ready for one – yet. Europe has way too many things pulling it apart now. There’s both an east/west and a north/south divide. There’s a massive wealth gap. There are major systems issues … Continue reading “Will There be a European Federation?”

Posted on September 27, 2022September 27, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , ,

Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?

Short answer: no. Long answer – oh please, as if war weren’t serious. If you’re not serious, don’t invade. Having the best military on the planet does you no good if the political war is already lost. I’m an American – ask me how I know and try to keep a straight face. In my political opinion, Russia lost this war on February 24, 2022, the day they were stupid enough to invade. Despite all protests to the contrary, Sweden … Continue reading “Mobilization. Are We Serious Yet?”

Posted on September 22, 2022September 22, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Losing the Left is the Best for the West

Normally, I talk American politics on Wednesdays, but this is an issue that really spans both the US and Europe. If anything, it affects Europe to a much greater degree and will be much more difficult for them to deal with. There’s a poison going through Western democracies – leftism. It’s insidious as it masquerades as concern for the underprivileged but instigates policies that do underprivileged people far more harm than good. Leftism is a spectrum – most political movements … Continue reading “Losing the Left is the Best for the West”

Posted on August 22, 2022August 10, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ukraine and the Globalists

On the conservative side of the fence we have a large number of people convinced that support for Ukraine is linked to rescuing globalism from its death spiral. They have a point. I just think they’re wrong. On the pro side, NATO’s sudden revitalization does strengthen the globalist position. Ukraine really does have corruption problems internally. Putin had garnered a reputation for being a force for the so-called civilization state. Europe is tossing everything but the kitchen sink at Russia. … Continue reading “Ukraine and the Globalists”

Posted on May 26, 2022May 26, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Y’all Do Know We’re Winning, Right?

The most incredibly frustrating thing is listening to conservatives I normally agree with go off the rails over the Ukraine War. I don’t mean that they disagree with my position – that’s fine. I try not to listen to people I never disagree with because I’m probably not really listening. But opposing support for Ukraine because you want NATO members to meet their obligations and run their own business is just so so so D-U-M-B. The Ukraine crisis is literally … Continue reading “Y’all Do Know We’re Winning, Right?”