The latter. You can quit panicking now. Have a nice day. What do you mean you don’t understand? You don’t know what a party system shift even is? What are they teaching in graduate level Poli Sci nowadays? Oh, right. Not everyone took those classes. Which is a condemnation of the edumacation system. Seriously, this happens fairly regularly in American politics. It’s a feature, not a bug. You’d think they’d mention this in History and American Government in middle school … Continue reading “America Doomed or Party System Shift?”
Harris IS Losing
The three of you who have followed me for more than a week will probably already know that I believed Harris was in fact behind despite what the polling seemed to indicate. Tune in Friday for the long version of why polls are so bad, but today I’m basing my new assessment on a different piece of evidence. I am now convinced that Harris is trailing much worse than we have been lead to believe. I’ve been couching my analysis … Continue reading “Harris IS Losing”