Posted on September 2, 2022September 1, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

Confessions of a Former Democrat

The first presidential election I could vote in was 1984, Reagan v Mondale. I’m still ticked because Reagan lied and got away with it. Sure, he could have just changed his mind later but ‘revenue enhancement’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘tax increase’ so I kinda doubt it. I did not vote for Reagan. I didn’t have high hopes for Reagan, except in one category: abortion. In Fourth Grade I supported Roe V Wade as almost Solomonic in … Continue reading “Confessions of a Former Democrat”

Posted on June 15, 2022June 15, 2022Categories CurrentTags , ,

Warehouse Schools

The modern American school system is stupid. We cram hundreds of kids all in the same age groups with only one overworked adult to supervise them and wonder why they act like crazed chickens. How, exactly, do little kids learn good social skills from other little kids? They don’t. They learn to form cliques and to pick on weaker kids – exactly like an over crowded chicken coop. That’s not mere analogy – the similarities are striking and scary. Growing … Continue reading “Warehouse Schools”