The issues around immigration to the United States are mired in hype, hoopla and plain old snake oil. Ninety percent of the time legal and illegal immigration are conflated as if they were the same thing. They aren’t. Yes, America is a nation of immigrants. The American continents are entire continents of immigrants, if anthropologists are to be believed. There are no native Americans because there’s no moral difference between 250 years and 20,000. We’re all immigrants. Except it’s total … Continue reading “Immigration: The Two Edged Sword”
Keep on Truckin’! Anywhere But New York!
When you’re running a senile old man and have to abuse the justice system in a vain attempt to keep his opponent out of the race, maybe you should reconsider your life choice to be a political party. No one expected a fair verdict out of that kangaroo court, or New York for that matter, but the insanely egregious judgment left even my cranky jaw dropping. I’ll spare you the words my cat had to endure. You’ll be happy to … Continue reading “Keep on Truckin’! Anywhere But New York!”