Posted on June 26, 2024June 26, 2024Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , ,   Leave a comment on Ten Ways to Tell if You are a Democrook

Ten Ways to Tell if You are a Democrook

10) You think it’s perfectly okay to lie, cheat and even steal if it benefits the Democrats but if Republicans so much as jay walk, it’s proof that they are evil. 9) You believe that watching any news source besides MSNBC or NPR makes you a Russian spy – and you’re beginning to doubt CNN. 8) You are convinced that the only way to save democracy is to ensure that only people like you can vote. 7) You have bumper … Continue reading “Ten Ways to Tell if You are a Democrook”

Posted on September 9, 2022September 7, 2022Categories 2022, CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Polls: Finally Getting it Right?

July 17, 2022 When they work, poll’s are a great way to get the pulse of a group of people – or a whole population. When they don’t work, you get garbage. Right now, polls probably aren’t working – well, yet. There are two ways to know if a poll is really measuring what its supposed to measure. The first is to get a much bigger poll – we call them elections. The second is to match them up against … Continue reading “Polls: Finally Getting it Right?”