Posted on October 8, 2021October 8, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , ,

Who Controls What the Kids Can Think

Let’s get real – a nation is one generation away from oblivion. All human congregations are, regardless if they are small families or gigantic nation-states. Because once all the members die, it’s over. With 327 million Americans largely intent on continuing the human race it’s not at all likely that everyone will cease having children within the year – or the next twenty – but nation-states face more than an existential threat of not having any children. Nation-states only continue … Continue reading “Who Controls What the Kids Can Think”

Posted on October 7, 2021October 7, 2021Categories CurrentTags , ,

The Virus Didn’t Wreck the World – Politicians Did

I REALLY hate the phrase ‘post-COVID’. I get that it’s meant to be almost hopeful – but to me it misses the point. All the really nasty effects like higher levels of suicide and death from other causes as well as loss of freedom (yes, being confined to your home is really confinement), autonomy (mandates by definition strip the individual of choice) and trust (I’ll spare you the litany of broken promises and lies coming directly from our government) – … Continue reading “The Virus Didn’t Wreck the World – Politicians Did”

Posted on October 6, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

The Slow Collapse of an Administration

The strength of the American system of government is that it is slooooooooow. Really, really, mind numbingly sloooooow. The annoying part of the American system of government is that it couldn’t win a race with a dead snail. Fast moving government is like a fiery horse – with major behavioral problems. It might be fun to watch some OTHER poor idiot ride that horse, but it is a misery to ride yourself. You can’t keep up – by the time … Continue reading “The Slow Collapse of an Administration”

Posted on October 2, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Science? What Science?

Has anyone else noticed that the science ceased to matter about five months ago? It’s not coincidental that this sudden shift away from ‘follow the bouncing science’ occurs just as the first indications were coming out that there were major problems with the vaccines. It’s also not coincidental that there is no discussion of science at all as the reports surface showing that the vaccines are losing efficacy fast. After all, we can’t have some silly science project getting in … Continue reading “Science? What Science?”

Posted on September 30, 2021September 30, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

The Post Authoritarian World to Come

I refuse to use the idiotic phrase ‘post COVID’. A virus with a 98% survivability and that hasn’t infected the majority of people simply isn’t a turning point in world history. That it has been used as an excuse for totalitarian and authoritarian measures directed against the free people of the world might well be a turning point – the virus itself is not. Australia has gone full totalitarian – which begs the question of why the heck we are … Continue reading “The Post Authoritarian World to Come”

Posted on September 24, 2021September 24, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Failure isn’t a Bug; It’s a Feature for the Biden Administration

This is the most incompetent administration in national history. It’s the first to manage to lose a war deliberately. It’s managed to violate the Constitution so badly that even the ever supportive Supreme Court finally said knock it off. This administration has lost every case with a verdict thus far challenging its increasingly bizarre edicts. One of its political allies is now protesting against it in the streets. None of its signature legislation has passed both Houses of Congress despite … Continue reading “Failure isn’t a Bug; It’s a Feature for the Biden Administration”

Posted on September 10, 2021September 10, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

Why Does Jimmy Kimmel Have a Job?

Kimmel stated publicly that we should just let the unvaccinated die. This is blatant hate mongering – and it’s just a tad racist, too. Only 30% of the country remains unvaccinated – and 28% of those folks happen to be black. So basically – why does this hate monger have a job? Probably because he’s carrying water for Fauci – as is much of the media. Remember when 70% was enough to reach herd immunity? Well, now it’s not because … Continue reading “Why Does Jimmy Kimmel Have a Job?”