Posted on February 8, 2023February 8, 2023Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

COVID 19 Time for Truth: US Edition

Below you will find a link to a fairly dry little video of a doctor going over the latest research out of Italy. I fully agree with him that it’s pathetic that we have to wait for Italy to do what EVERY developed nation should have been doing, most especially the US. Here’s the TL;DR: Vitamin D is shown to reduce hospitalization and incidence of death. In normal people speak, vitamin D helps you fight off C19 so that you … Continue reading “COVID 19 Time for Truth: US Edition”

Posted on February 6, 2023February 5, 2023Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

COVID 19 Time for Truth: China Edition

I am a cranky old lady with 18 years disease control experience, two degrees in Political Science and no patience left for nonsense. Any questions? No? Good. The entire response to the panicdemic was botched. The WHO and ESPECIALLY the CDC knew better than the crap they were pulling. We here in the United States have over EIGHTY YEARS of successful disease intervention. We lead the charge in ERADICATING small pox. We DANGED WELL know how to handle a respiratory … Continue reading “COVID 19 Time for Truth: China Edition”

Posted on January 9, 2023January 4, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Lockdowns Make It Worse – See China

I am putting my public health hat back on so this will be less politics and more disease control. Let me first say what disease control is NOT – it is NOT medicine. Public health, when it’s doing it’s job properly, works with doctors, but we aren’t deluded enough to believe that makes us doctors, let alone that we should dictate to doctors. Disease control deals with preventing the spread of infectious disease – it does not deal with making … Continue reading “Lockdowns Make It Worse – See China”

Posted on November 29, 2022November 29, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Protests and Unrest in China

Okay, those of you that think this is a bad sign for the CCP and that China could collapse, you’re not wrong. Those of you who think China probably won’t collapse aren’t wrong either. Nation-states are resilient and this is not China’s first rodeo. But it is their first ride on a bull this big. So, what does it mean? Well, it means the CCP has pulled off something once believed to be nearly impossible – they have found the … Continue reading “Protests and Unrest in China”

Posted on September 5, 2022September 3, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , ,

Is China Collapsing?

Is China collapsing? Yes. Is China collapsing tomorrow? No. Is China collapsing in three days? No. Is China collapsing next week? No. Is China collapsing next month? No. Is China collapsing … How many of these stupid ‘China is collapsing in X days’ videos did you binge?! China is not in its final phase of collapse that I can tell. Nation-states don’t collapse quickly. It takes usually several years from the first domino to the final one. I think we … Continue reading “Is China Collapsing?”

Posted on June 27, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , ,

The Left After Wokeness

Sigh, unfortunately, it’s not likely to go peacefully into that good night. Or even just get off the stage. The inmates are running the asylum on the left and the Republican leadership has let them take this country along for the ride. That is about to come to a screeching halt as there won’t be another chance to interfere in the elections like in 2020. The midterms are promising to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. They have already seriously … Continue reading “The Left After Wokeness”

Posted on June 10, 2022June 8, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , ,

The World is as Okay as it Gets

The only thing that separates the 1970’s from the 2020’s is that the music was much better in the Seventies – and that includes disco. Otherwise, inflation, unemployment, smart alec kids certain that they were changing the world for the better no matter how stupid their ideas were, international conflict, internal conflict, insane presidential politics are all pretty much the same. Sure, some of the steps have changed, but the dance is still the same. I’m a Baby Boomer by … Continue reading “The World is as Okay as it Gets”

Posted on December 18, 2021December 18, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , ,

The Biggest Danger to the Right in 2022

Hubris. Arrogance. Complacency. Whatever you want to call it, the biggest threat to a red tsunami is voter apathy. We do NOT have it in the bag – that doesn’t happen until after all the votes are counted. If the election were held today, I doubt many Democrats would be returning to Congress. People are fed up and angry – and all of that ire is aimed at the Democrats. Blaming Trump is laughable – and not working. One failure … Continue reading “The Biggest Danger to the Right in 2022”

Posted on November 4, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , ,

The World Isn’t Ending – Let’s Make it Better Anyway

Climate change is the stupidest term ever – what does the climate do BESIDES change? If you don’t happen to believe that humans can control the planet’s HVAC somehow you’re denying science? When did science become God? Pull any study and I can pull five more – that it’s ‘peer reviewed’ just means there’s a lot of politicking in your science. What matters is Science, The Methodology – and if the methodology is decent then a study deserves consideration. If … Continue reading “The World Isn’t Ending – Let’s Make it Better Anyway”

Posted on October 12, 2021October 12, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , ,

Happy People Will Lie About You Once You’re Unpopular Day!

We used to just call it ‘Columbus Day’ but then the media and the left decided that narrative was more important than truth. But we also used to define vaccines by their ability to provide immunity – literally, if they can’t do that, they are just a form of treatment, not a vaccine. But the CDC wants everyone to be vaccinated regardless of how insane it is so it quietly changed the definition on its website – and several dictionaries … Continue reading “Happy People Will Lie About You Once You’re Unpopular Day!”