Posted on September 30, 2023October 1, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , ,

Can’t Never Could

I used to roll my eyes halfway back into my head every time that my mother said those words to me. It’s a wonder I can still see as many times as I did that. Anytime I was stupid enough to say to my mom “I can’t” she would turn around, look me in the eye and remind me that ‘Can’t never could’. My eyes hurt just thinking about it. Those of you under thirty who are still convinced your … Continue reading “Can’t Never Could”

Posted on January 13, 2023January 7, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

Politics are About People

Politics is just groups of people making decisions. We stink at it which makes the political world hilarious and tragic. It’d be a great sitcom. The problem is that the political world affects real people all the time. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. So the answer to the question of why you should care about those idiots in Washington or on Goat Hill or down at the county courthouse or in city hall or on the school board is … Continue reading “Politics are About People”

Posted on December 3, 2022December 3, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance

Vigilance is just a fancy word for paying attention and being on the look out. Normally, when you hear this phrase we think of our servicemen and women providing our defense and extending our protection worldwide. But that’s only a part of what it means. Truth is, the US is such a ridiculously difficult military target that conventional invasion may as well be impossible. America has only been invaded once (the British, 1812) unless you want to count the Revolutionary … Continue reading “The Price of Freedom: Eternal Vigilance”

Posted on August 19, 2022August 12, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , ,

Rule of Law

You hear this phrase in the media whenever they are all hyped up about something they don’t like. You never hear it when something they like has happened. That is exactly opposite of what the rule of law is all about. It sounds simple enough. Rule of law just means there are laws, right? ‘Fraid not. Rule of law means far more than that. Rule of law means that laws apply to the leaders and the powerful, not just followers … Continue reading “Rule of Law”

Posted on July 15, 2022July 14, 2022Categories FridayTags , , , , , ,

Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech

When I was a girl, shortly after the Earth cooled, it became fashionable for people to chide others that ‘politics and religion were not topics for polite company’. The trend became an adage – don’t talk politics or religion. After all, it’ll only start a fight. You know how Uncle Rodger is at Thanksgiving! Now, every nutjob on the street could mouth off about whatever he pleased -we just weren’t supposed to talk about the topics with him, other people, … Continue reading “Use It or Lose It – Freedom of Speech”

Posted on July 13, 2022July 12, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , ,

Ending Immunity – Constitutional Amendment

One of the things that makes America truly great is that we are ALL equal before the law. That’s the very bedrock of American Constitutional law – without equality before the law, the Constitution is about as effective as a Hallmark card versus the flu. Lovely sentiment, pass the cold medicine, thanks. We make way too many excuses for the use of immunity. Prosecutors can’t get convictions without it. Companies won’t take risks without complete indemnity. Yada, yada, yada. We … Continue reading “Ending Immunity – Constitutional Amendment”

Posted on July 5, 2022July 5, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Happy Birthday, America!

Two hundred and forty-six years young today! You don’t look a day over two hundred! Wow, it’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? You started off by declaring your independence from the world’s most powerful empire. It took eight years of blood, sweat and tears but you finally won. You drove out the mighty British Empire – no mean feat even if they were distracted with things they thought more important like war with France. Eleven years under the Articles … Continue reading “Happy Birthday, America!”

Posted on June 24, 2022June 22, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Making America Better One Conversation at a Time

Conservatives are well aware of the concerted effort to silence dissent being made across social media and the mainstream media. Ever wonder why? Surely sharing some stupid post with a few friends, most of whom won’t even click the link, can’t make a difference, right? Wrong. Our abbreviated history lessons leave us with the impression that important stuff happens fast – which is almost never true. From the first stirrings of discontent to the first shot of the American Revolution … Continue reading “Making America Better One Conversation at a Time”