Posted on November 26, 2022November 26, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Government: Parent or Pet?

The Twentieth Century was a contest between competing political ideologies. It is a gross oversimplification to say that it was just between Communism and Capitalism or Authoritarianism and Democracy. Politics exists on a spectrum and no matter how hard we try, there are too many issues to have even two people agree on every single one, let alone whole nation-states of people. But since I’m still not interested in writing a dissertation, we’ll settle for the generalization. The Twentieth Century … Continue reading “Government: Parent or Pet?”

Posted on October 4, 2022October 4, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Calm Down – This is Normal

I don’t mean the ‘new normal’. I mean normal. The half insane, scary as heck, what are they thinking behavior of not just Russia and China but the entire international community is the real normal. Those of you who can’t remember the Cold War have lived in the weird times. America was the big scary thing so everyone loved/hated it – including some Americans. Europe was preoccupied with becoming something never quite defined. Elites worldwide were convinced – or pretending … Continue reading “Calm Down – This is Normal”

Posted on September 22, 2022September 22, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Losing the Left is the Best for the West

Normally, I talk American politics on Wednesdays, but this is an issue that really spans both the US and Europe. If anything, it affects Europe to a much greater degree and will be much more difficult for them to deal with. There’s a poison going through Western democracies – leftism. It’s insidious as it masquerades as concern for the underprivileged but instigates policies that do underprivileged people far more harm than good. Leftism is a spectrum – most political movements … Continue reading “Losing the Left is the Best for the West”