Posted on July 17, 2023July 18, 2023Categories MondayTags , , , ,

Banning Cows and Building Coal Fired Power Plants: Climate and World Political Leadership

People tend to act on what they believe. That shouldn’t be a controversial statement. This one might: people tend to act in accordance with what they believe to be true. That isn’t to say that people always act in perfect rational accord with their beliefs. First off, no one is perfectly rational. Second what seems a reasonable response to a belief to one person may be silly to another. However, on the whole, people will tend to act in accord … Continue reading “Banning Cows and Building Coal Fired Power Plants: Climate and World Political Leadership”

Posted on September 12, 2022September 13, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Green is Dead, Long Live the Green

Solar and wind are so yesterday. I realize most climate activists haven’t gotten the memo but as grid scale power sources, they are both pretty much toast. Yes, yes, Scotland and the North Sea, most of the US Southwest, et cetera are indeed exceptions. Thing is, that’s exactly what they are: exceptions. Very few places on Earth have enough solar or wind capacity to use those sources at grid scale. Sure, you can pop solar panels on your house almost … Continue reading “The Green is Dead, Long Live the Green”

Posted on November 4, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , , , ,

The World Isn’t Ending – Let’s Make it Better Anyway

Climate change is the stupidest term ever – what does the climate do BESIDES change? If you don’t happen to believe that humans can control the planet’s HVAC somehow you’re denying science? When did science become God? Pull any study and I can pull five more – that it’s ‘peer reviewed’ just means there’s a lot of politicking in your science. What matters is Science, The Methodology – and if the methodology is decent then a study deserves consideration. If … Continue reading “The World Isn’t Ending – Let’s Make it Better Anyway”