Posted on November 4, 2022November 2, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , ,

Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization

Every Thanksgiving we sit down to a lovely meal, express our gratitude to God for His many blessings and proceed to fight over every little thing. Turkey v, ham, Alabama v Auburn, football v baseball, board games v video games, kids v kids with video games, who Mom likes best and then Uncle Bob ruins the whole thing by bringing up politics. Next year, we repeat the whole thing. Why? Obviously, there’s no one at that table that agrees on … Continue reading “Unity Isn’t Agreement: Why Fussing and Fighting Isn’t Polarization”

Posted on December 20, 2021December 20, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , , , , , ,

Civil War 2.0 is Bunk

I know – I just got through telling you not to get cocky about 2022. And it’s true enough that we shouldn’t be cocky about this, either – but there’s a difference in seeing a possibility and smelling a skunk. The proverbial skunk here is the Democrat media that is once again sounding the alarm bell about the upcoming civil war – which would be easier to take seriously if they didn’t sound like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters. So, being … Continue reading “Civil War 2.0 is Bunk”