Posted on September 5, 2022September 3, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , ,

Is China Collapsing?

Is China collapsing? Yes. Is China collapsing tomorrow? No. Is China collapsing in three days? No. Is China collapsing next week? No. Is China collapsing next month? No. Is China collapsing … How many of these stupid ‘China is collapsing in X days’ videos did you binge?! China is not in its final phase of collapse that I can tell. Nation-states don’t collapse quickly. It takes usually several years from the first domino to the final one. I think we … Continue reading “Is China Collapsing?”

Posted on August 15, 2022August 5, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Congratulations, China! You’re All Grown Up Now!

Inasmuch as any nation-state can be ‘grown-up’, sure. China has now built two aircraft carriers (it has three), three islands (that are now fully militarized despite their promises to the contrary),a space station and landed on the dark side of the moon. None of these things are the acts of a developing nation. Not. One. So why is China still receiving assistance as a developing nation? The country that is itself lending billions to underdeveloped nations, building massive infrastructure programs … Continue reading “Congratulations, China! You’re All Grown Up Now!”

Posted on July 19, 2022July 19, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , ,

The Chinese Communist Party is No One’s Friend

Excepting maybe itself. Although at times it acts so contrary to its own self interest that you kinda have to wonder if even the CCP likes the CCP. One of the most annoying things about getting old is having to say blatantly obvious things because none of the young ‘uns seem to know anything at all about history. Or how to do basic arithmetic, but I suppose that’s another story. Anywho, let’s talk about the freaking elephant in the room … Continue reading “The Chinese Communist Party is No One’s Friend”