Posted on January 4, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022, SeriesTags , , , , , , ,

Finding Primary Candidates – State School Board

You’re beginning to wonder why you should even care anymore, right? This government stuff is BORING. That is the important stuff. If it’s exciting enough to make the nightly news – or cable – it’s already a big mess. Media concentrates on the car crashes and train wrecks – not the stop lights and switches. But preventing the bad stuff that gets in the news happens at the stop light – the boring stuff – not once the sirens are … Continue reading “Finding Primary Candidates – State School Board”

Posted on December 29, 2021December 29, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

Finding Your Candidates When They Don’t Seem to Want to be Found

The sharp eyed among you – which would not be me – will have noticed that yesterday I found the 2020 sample ballot and not the 2022 Primary Sample Ballot. These things happen – and it’s why government should be very limited in what it’s allowed to do since it can’t even put sample ballots where they belong in a timely fashion or notice of when to expect the ballot. Okay, the real point is we hit a snag – … Continue reading “Finding Your Candidates When They Don’t Seem to Want to be Found”