Posted on March 6, 2023March 5, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Best Defense is a GREAT Offense

Castles are defensive, right? I mean the real ones, not the ones that only house princesses and occasional fairy tales. Hulking big fortifications designed to hide whole cities from the Big Bad Wolf at the door, right? Wrong. Castles are some of the nastiest machines ever invented. Yes, machines. Castles kill invaders. It’s what they are designed to do. Get too close and you get dead unless you are on very good terms with the occupants. Those massive walls are … Continue reading “The Best Defense is a GREAT Offense”

Posted on December 20, 2022December 20, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , ,

Should the Monroe Doctrine Still Exist?

Yes. Y’all come back… Okay, okay, I’ll explain. It’s in the US’ best interest not to allow its enemies to have significant inroads on the American continent. You need that explained, too? Didn’t they teach you kids anything in college? The reason the US has rarely been invaded is its geography. To get to us you have to either cross an ocean or take over Canada or Mexico first. None of that has ever been easy but in modern times … Continue reading “Should the Monroe Doctrine Still Exist?”

Posted on February 24, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022Tags , , , , , ,

Canadian Politics – Don’t Watch if you get Motion Sickness!

Another day, another policy swing. For reasons that aren’t really apparent Trudeau rescinded the Emergency Act Declaration before the Senate could vote on it. Hint: it’s not a show of compassion or strength. Was the Senate likely to block it? Maybe but that seems unlikely as Trudeau himself appointed most of the 107 Senators currently in the Canadian Senate. He may have just caved to the tremendous public pressure – you’d think he’d have done that three weeks ago but … Continue reading “Canadian Politics – Don’t Watch if you get Motion Sickness!”

Posted on February 22, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022Tags ,

Canada Betrayed

There’s no one who actually believes that the Canadian Trucker’s convoy was anything other than a peaceful protest – no one sane, at least. And yet, with the borders already cleared of protestors, the Canadian House of Commons voted along party lines to grant ’emergency’ powers to their executive – powers to include the ability to freeze bank accounts without court order. Because peaceful protests are annoying, eh? There is a Canadian Senate which is controlled by the same party … Continue reading “Canada Betrayed”

Posted on February 1, 2022July 17, 2022Categories 2022Tags , , , ,

Did Canada Just Become the Champion of Freedom?

Short answer: yeppers. Long answer: Just be nice and let them enjoy their fifteen minutes of fame. Just be glad their protests don’t involve moose. I mean, it’s Canada – they are awful proud of their mooses. Yes, I have trouble taking Canada seriously even when I wholeheartedly support what they are doing. It’s Canada – they have a hard time taking themselves seriously. I think Quebec has the Canadian monopoly on taking themselves too seriously and the rest of … Continue reading “Did Canada Just Become the Champion of Freedom?”