No, of course not. Seriously, you have got to stop watching only action adventure movies. Well, sure, they’re the best but Man does not live by shoot ’em ups alone. Need some more fiber in that diet. No, you’re not going on a documentary diet. What kind of a fiend do you take me for? But we do need to round out your media diet so that you stop expecting that one hero will save the world. At least pay … Continue reading “Will Trump Save the World?”
America Doomed or Party System Shift?
The latter. You can quit panicking now. Have a nice day. What do you mean you don’t understand? You don’t know what a party system shift even is? What are they teaching in graduate level Poli Sci nowadays? Oh, right. Not everyone took those classes. Which is a condemnation of the edumacation system. Seriously, this happens fairly regularly in American politics. It’s a feature, not a bug. You’d think they’d mention this in History and American Government in middle school … Continue reading “America Doomed or Party System Shift?”
Good Morning, America! How Are Ya?
Hi, I’m back. Old and cranky just needed a vacation – and some extra vitamins. Didja miss me? Figures. Oh well. So, how are you liking the new Trump administration so far? Are you convinced Trump will fix everything or that Trump will destroy the world? Neither? EXCELLENT! Don’t get me wrong, I voted for Trump all three times. Okay, I admit I held my nose the first time but the next two were because I am convinced Trump is … Continue reading “Good Morning, America! How Are Ya?”
America Will Survive: The Myth of American Polarization
Heck, it’ll even thrive. The Democrat Party, not so much. For the last several years there has been an incessant drumbeat of polarization. Turn on any outlet, major, minor or just some guy on YouTube and all you will hear is how polarized the US has become. The events of the last three weeks seem to seal the deal for many people. But it’s still not true. America remains as insanely centrist as she’s always been. Seriously, America’s centrism is … Continue reading “America Will Survive: The Myth of American Polarization”
Super Tuesday and the State of the Union
Well that was a busy week wasn’t it? In a surprise to absolutely no one, Donald Trump won 14 of the 15 states on Super Tuesday. In a shock to absolutely everyone, Joe Biden made it all the way through the State of the Union address without collapsing, wandering off the stage or otherwise showing advanced stages of dementia. Having won Vermont, Nikki Haley, finally getting a clue, has dropped out of the presidential race. So what does all this … Continue reading “Super Tuesday and the State of the Union”