Posted on July 14, 2023July 14, 2023Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

American Polarization is a Myth

I know, I know, the polls say otherwise. The polls are crap and have been for years. Just how many times do they have to get the easy things like elections wrong before you stop treating them as gospel? Yes, elections are easy. If you sample enough and correctly, more often than not you should correctly predict election outcomes. Once in a while it’ll go sideways but 99% of the time the polls will be close enough as to make … Continue reading “American Polarization is a Myth”

Posted on March 6, 2023March 5, 2023Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Best Defense is a GREAT Offense

Castles are defensive, right? I mean the real ones, not the ones that only house princesses and occasional fairy tales. Hulking big fortifications designed to hide whole cities from the Big Bad Wolf at the door, right? Wrong. Castles are some of the nastiest machines ever invented. Yes, machines. Castles kill invaders. It’s what they are designed to do. Get too close and you get dead unless you are on very good terms with the occupants. Those massive walls are … Continue reading “The Best Defense is a GREAT Offense”

Posted on December 21, 2022December 21, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , , , , , , ,

Why Governmental Politics Matters

Okay, for those of you who are wondering, yes, there are types of politics that don’t involve government. All politics really is is the process of groups of people making decisions. So when you and your friends spend ten minutes deciding between Italian and Chinese, you’ve participated in a political process. But what those idiots in Washington do, that’s different, right? Nah, more power and a lot more rubber chicken, but not really any different at its core. There’s the … Continue reading “Why Governmental Politics Matters”

Posted on July 5, 2022July 5, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Happy Birthday, America!

Two hundred and forty-six years young today! You don’t look a day over two hundred! Wow, it’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? You started off by declaring your independence from the world’s most powerful empire. It took eight years of blood, sweat and tears but you finally won. You drove out the mighty British Empire – no mean feat even if they were distracted with things they thought more important like war with France. Eleven years under the Articles … Continue reading “Happy Birthday, America!”