Posted on June 20, 2022June 16, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

American Exceptionalism Isn’t License to be Jerks

I don’t see a rational argument against American exceptionalism. There are similarities, sure, but there really isn’t anything quite like America either in the modern world or in history. We’re exceptional. We’re weird. Any way you slice it, the United States of America is unlike any other nation-state ever. Part of what makes us so exceptional is that we try to use our power for good, all over the planet. We’re the first boots on the ground of any disaster. … Continue reading “American Exceptionalism Isn’t License to be Jerks”

Posted on December 8, 2021December 8, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

A Day of Infamy

Only a few are left now who were alive that fateful day 80 years ago. Maybe that’s why we seem to have forgotten the lessons of that time – it certainly isn’t because they didn’t tell us. Tom Brokaw called them ‘the greatest generation’ and they have full right to that title. The US wanted no real part of the war. Sure, we aided Britain and embargoed Japan – but Americans had no stomach for sending their boys to fight … Continue reading “A Day of Infamy”

Posted on October 9, 2021October 9, 2021Categories CurrentTags , , , ,

America, We Have to Talk

Yes, I know you’re all busy with this political divide stuff and the crazy unconstitutional stuff. All of that is important and we do have to deal with the ideological issues that are threatening to divide us. But have a seat for a moment – there’s something you need to know. The rest of the world sees us as John Wayne, swaggering in to save the day. And who wouldn’t want to be John Wayne? We’re Americans – our blood … Continue reading “America, We Have to Talk”