Posted on December 15, 2022December 15, 2022Categories WednesdayTags , , , ,

American Christmas

Oh, come on! You’re not gonna talk about politics at CHRISTMAS?!?!?! Are you trying to ruin it for everyone? Is a discussion of your grandma’s bunions somehow an improvement? Just how many recipes for lemon bars does your cousin have? I can already tell you which team will win whatever game – it’s the one that gets the most points. You’ve already discussed the entire season with your entire family just making the arrangements for who was bringing what and … Continue reading “American Christmas”

Posted on October 21, 2022October 20, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , , ,

Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future

Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one. There was a lazy grasshopper and an industrious ant… Those of you who can’t finish that tale may have something to worry about. But I’m here to help so here are the Cliff Notes – lazy grasshopper starves to death. Yeah, old fairy tales don’t usually have Disney endings. That’s okay – we’re dealing with the real world today. The TL;DR is lazy loses. This is true in your personal life and … Continue reading “Only the Lazy Need Fear the Future”

Posted on October 12, 2022October 12, 2022Categories Current, WednesdayTags , , ,

Freedom of Speech – Talk to People!

People who know me nowadays wonder if I ever shut up. People who know me from high school wonder when I learned to talk. You think I’m kidding, but I’ve talked more with them on Facebook than I did in three years of high school. No, I’m not an introvert – I just act like one. Point being is past performance is not destiny. You can change things you don’t like – that can be changed, of course. You may … Continue reading “Freedom of Speech – Talk to People!”

Posted on October 4, 2022October 4, 2022Categories MondayTags , , , , , , , , , , ,

Calm Down – This is Normal

I don’t mean the ‘new normal’. I mean normal. The half insane, scary as heck, what are they thinking behavior of not just Russia and China but the entire international community is the real normal. Those of you who can’t remember the Cold War have lived in the weird times. America was the big scary thing so everyone loved/hated it – including some Americans. Europe was preoccupied with becoming something never quite defined. Elites worldwide were convinced – or pretending … Continue reading “Calm Down – This is Normal”

Posted on September 2, 2022September 1, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , ,

Confessions of a Former Democrat

The first presidential election I could vote in was 1984, Reagan v Mondale. I’m still ticked because Reagan lied and got away with it. Sure, he could have just changed his mind later but ‘revenue enhancement’ was just a fancy way of saying ‘tax increase’ so I kinda doubt it. I did not vote for Reagan. I didn’t have high hopes for Reagan, except in one category: abortion. In Fourth Grade I supported Roe V Wade as almost Solomonic in … Continue reading “Confessions of a Former Democrat”

Posted on August 29, 2022August 18, 2022Categories Current, MondayTags , , , , , ,

Does America Rule the World?

No. Thanks for dropping by, See you Wednesday for… Aww, come on, can’t you just once accept the short answer? Okay, fine, so make a cranky old lady work. Here’s the long answer: No country rules the world. France, Russia and China would like to; the US is stuck with keeping the kids away from the knives, and all the other nation-states have too many issues at home to even think about it. But, but, world reserve currency, largest navy, … Continue reading “Does America Rule the World?”

Posted on August 26, 2022August 18, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , , , ,

We Have the Power!

With apologies to He-Man fans, He-Man isn’t the power, we are! The next couple of months are going to be fun in a riding a bucking horse sort of way. The Lamestream media is going to go all out to convince you, Gentle Voter, that the tide has turned and the Democrats will survive, if not reign supreme. The Establishment knows best and will take care of everything so just get all discouraged and stay home. It would be refreshing … Continue reading “We Have the Power!”

Posted on July 29, 2022July 26, 2022Categories Current, FridayTags , , , , , , 2 Comments on The Important Part Occurs Between Elections

The Important Part Occurs Between Elections

That statement should be self evident. We elect representatives to do the business of government. No one sane hires people so they can just interview for the same job over and over again. Okay, so that does bring the sanity of the United States into question but our less than stellar election behavior aside, we hire these guys to do something. We pay them WAY more than they are worth to do something important. We have an incredible interest in … Continue reading “The Important Part Occurs Between Elections”

Posted on July 22, 2022July 20, 2022Categories FridayTags , , , , , ,

What Will America Be?

My generation inherited a country that had a really good idea of what it was internationally and a really messed up idea of what we were at home. We were great at cleaning up everyone else’s mess but it took way too long before we did the housekeeping at home. Today, we are at a new crossroads. We have so many issues at home and so many responsibilities abroad. Unfortunately, nation-states can’t chuck it all and move to Mexico. Well, … Continue reading “What Will America Be?”

Posted on July 5, 2022July 5, 2022Categories CurrentTags , , , , , ,

Happy Birthday, America!

Two hundred and forty-six years young today! You don’t look a day over two hundred! Wow, it’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? You started off by declaring your independence from the world’s most powerful empire. It took eight years of blood, sweat and tears but you finally won. You drove out the mighty British Empire – no mean feat even if they were distracted with things they thought more important like war with France. Eleven years under the Articles … Continue reading “Happy Birthday, America!”