The latter. You can quit panicking now. Have a nice day. What do you mean you don’t understand? You don’t know what a party system shift even is? What are they teaching in graduate level Poli Sci nowadays? Oh, right. Not everyone took those classes. Which is a condemnation of the edumacation system. Seriously, this happens fairly regularly in American politics. It’s a feature, not a bug. You’d think they’d mention this in History and American Government in middle school … Continue reading “America Doomed or Party System Shift?”
Being gracious in victory is more important than being gracious in defeat. We’ll get back to that very important thought. In the meantime WOO HOO!!!! We won!!! Yippee! The cherry on top was how hysterically wrong the analyses based on the polls were! I am not sure which made me more nervous: that Trump might not win or that the stupid polls might actually be right. Broken clocks are right twice a day. They make you look stupid for a … Continue reading “VICTORY!”
Can Harris Win?
Duh, of course she can. At this point her only hope appears to be that most of Trump’s supporters decide not to vote, but that would give her the victory. Any hope in a storm, I suppose. I realize the three of you that clicked on this are only here for the proverbial popcorn and because you wanted to yell at me in the comments, but the point is still important. People are naturally lazy. Civic duty loses out to … Continue reading “Can Harris Win?”
Harris IS Losing
The three of you who have followed me for more than a week will probably already know that I believed Harris was in fact behind despite what the polling seemed to indicate. Tune in Friday for the long version of why polls are so bad, but today I’m basing my new assessment on a different piece of evidence. I am now convinced that Harris is trailing much worse than we have been lead to believe. I’ve been couching my analysis … Continue reading “Harris IS Losing”
Is Harris Going to Win?
Probably not. We won’t know until all those votes get counted. So VOTE! You are one of those ‘give us the details’ people, aren’t you? Fine, let’s break the race down so far: Polls Real Clear Politics is our aggregator of choice. Habit is the main reason but you can call it ‘consistency’ if that sounds all sciency to you. We’re going to go fast through this first part so you may want to look at the blog or video … Continue reading “Is Harris Going to Win?”
Why Are the Democrats so Desperate?
Okay, let’s get the important stuff done first. I was wrong about the debate – it was pretty lackluster. For political junkies it had lots to chew on but normal people probably found it kinda so-so. Harris performed better than expected – a lot better – and Trump showed a couple flashes of anger. He’s more entertaining on Twitter. Can’t get ’em all right. But owning one’s mistakes is the first step to not making the same stupid ones again. … Continue reading “Why Are the Democrats so Desperate?”
Will Israel Cost Harris the Election?
Nah, Harris is busily doing that all by herself. But her ineptitude on the crisis in Israel is making things much worse for her. Neither Michigan nor Minnesota are worth the kind of grief the Biden admin – including Harris – is creating for itself. Sacrificing millions of votes not only in this election but in contests to come for the sake a few hundred thousand that might or might not even vote is gross political incompetence. The Jewish vote … Continue reading “Will Israel Cost Harris the Election?”
Who’s Winning Now? Harris or Trump?
Technically, neither. The election is November 5th. No one wins until votes are counted. Sure, I’m being snarky – it’s my schtick – but it brings up a valuable point to remember: only votes count. All else is hot air. That includes your beloved polls, my snarky commentary, the endless talking head parade on a variety of media, rally size or lack thereof, donations whether big or small, the whole campaigning shebang. All of it is just noise. At the … Continue reading “Who’s Winning Now? Harris or Trump?”
Honeymoon or Nightmare? Harris’ First Week as Candidate
The new polls are out. They may or may not matter. Depends, with them being right on the heels of Biden’s ouster, the public’s opinion may not have caught up with the Democrat whiplash. But, since when are we going to let a little thing like commonsense get in the way of endless analysis? Well, if you watch any of the legacy media, commonsense has definitely lost. The Democrat cheerleaders like MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and even CNN are singing … Continue reading “Honeymoon or Nightmare? Harris’ First Week as Candidate”
Will Biden be Removed?
I really hate these clickbaity titles and I hate even more that they are probably the most correct to use right now. Short answer: yes, no, maybe. Long answer: panicky parties are impossible to predict. Panicky, incompetent parties even more so. So, it’s been a week and a half since the debate, has my opinion changed? Nah. Biden has again refused to step aside and no amount of ‘political pressure’ is gonna blast him out of the big chair. He … Continue reading “Will Biden be Removed?”