Sue Them! Declawing the Defamation Beast

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Turning Point USA is in a fight with The View.

Well, okay – who doesn’t have a bone to pick with Harpy Central? The show’s entire premise seems to be ‘see who we can tick off today’. They use slander, libel and defamation like rather blunt but effective instruments. It’s an all female train wreck of the week!

I might be a bit biased.

Seriously, The View gets in trouble for overstepping the bounds of decency and the law so frequently that it’s practically a meme. And it’s all one sided – no surprise there. But it’s a free country and a private business so what are you gonna do?


First off, being a free country doesn’t give anyone the right to defame or libel another. Your freedom ends at the tip of the other guy’s nose or when the lies you’re telling cause or are likely to cause real harm to the person’s reputation and/or livelihood. Rights come with responsibilities and you can’t have one without the other.

Second, ABC is a publicly traded company. Which is just being technical however a business’ status doesn’t give it special rights to violate the rights of other people. If anything, we as a society should hold companies to more account as they are more likely to have the means to defend themselves than the people they victimize.

Victimizing other people because you don’t like their politics is wrong. Not sure why on Earth that needs to be spelled out as it should be obvious, but here in Wacko World you just have to explain the obvious. A lot.

We conservatives and Christians tend to want to take the high road. We can be big about it and let the offense slide. That’s a good thing when we’re talking about a slight or a minor offense. It’s a bad thing when we consistently let people get away with civilly actionable injuries. Sure, we can afford it – maybe – but what about the next guy?

Bullies don’t improve their behavior just because they get their way. Quite the opposite – they get a thousand times worse as we reinforce the misdeeds. Playground or multinational, the effect is the same. Let them get away with bad behavior long enough and they start to normalize it. Hence, The View thinking that they can just literally defame another organization multiple times and get away with it.

It’s time to guess again.

The media’s smear campaigns have victims and they are often more than just the public figure the media took a dislike to. Regular people have had their lives turned upside down, lost jobs and even homes because some jerk on a bigger platform decided to smear them.

We let it happen way too many times. Enough is enough. No more complacency or complicity, it’s time to start fighting back where it hurts: the pocketbook. And we do that in the courts.

If crowdfunding organizations take down campaigns because they don’t like the politics of the person or group, we sue them as well. Otherwise, there are plenty of ways to fund lawsuits and we as a society need to quit being so afraid of the cost in monetary terms and start worrying about the cost to our society, our nation and our people.

Oh, now, now, let’s not be too hasty…

Republicans have had a well deserved reputation for getting nothing done for several decades now. That, coupled with conservatives trying to be the grown up in a room full of crazies, has let the crazies especially on the left run roughshod over the United States Constitution and all the freedoms we hold dear. Now, maybe, the Republicans will get their backsides in gear but it’s far too late to simply wait on the Republicans to do the right thing or the good graces of the Cancel Culture Crazies. No, now it’s time to act.

This is WHY courts exist. Contrary to what judges think, it’s not so they can do as little as possible while collecting fat paychecks. Courts exist to allow all Americans and even foreign nationals living among us a place to go for peaceful redress of grievances and the fair and impartial application of justice. We aren’t ‘overly litigious’ – that’s a feature, not a bug. Sue rather than shoot – because everyone has a breaking point and it’s best and right that we give people peaceful access to justice sooner rather than later.

We, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, right wing, left wing, Republican, Democrat and all the other labels too, have the constitutional right to speak freely, even when others don’t like what they hear; to worship without intrusion, to publish information whether the government likes it or not and to get together even when the government really doesn’t like it. That’s just in the First Amendment alone. When those rights are violated whether by our government, our employers or the crazies, we all have the right to sue the pants off of them.

Right of redress sounds nicer but whatever we want to call it, we had better start using it before the rest of those rights no longer exist.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!