Statistical Musings

In 2008, Barack Obama claimed 69,498,516 votes out of a total of 131,313,820 cast. He was a popular candidate in an exciting election and turnout was high.

In 2020, Donald Trump garnered 74,216,154 votes of the 158,383,403 total. He was a popular incumbent in a hotly contested election. Turnout was extreme.

In 2020, Joseph Biden received 81,268,924 votes of the total cast. He was not popular, barely campaigned for most of the summer and didn’t have a strategically important running mate.

But he got more votes than Barack Obama? Trump, supposedly reviled by the public, also received more votes than Obama.


In 1996, Bob Dole ran an unsuccessful campaign against Bill Clinton. Dole’s campaign platform could be summed up as ‘Vote for me because the other guy is a jerk’. Dole was ultimately proven right about Clinton being a jerk – but it was still a losing campaign strategy.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton would ironically run pretty much the same strategy against Donald Trump. It didn’t work then, either.

But magically, we are given to understand that Biden, who barely ran a campaign and who ran exclusively on the platform of not being the other guy, won not only the popular vote but more votes than his legitimately popular predecessor Obama who actually ran on a decent campaign strategy.

Sure… Tell me another one…

Okay, so that’s hardly proof – it’s just very, very curious. But I’m not trying to prove that the election was stolen – I’m setting the stage for an important question: where are all these Biden voters now?

They never showed up for his rallies. They don’t really show up in polls – not as the strong supporters in the numbers we should expect to see. They didn’t turn out for celebrations – not even for the very low key inauguration. They aren’t hopping in front of cameras chirping about their support for Biden. They seem to be cut from the same ‘hide from the spotlight’ cloth as their candidate. Odd. Very odd.

And what about now? We’re seeing some Biden voters expressing their remorse over voting for Biden – but those are a fraction of the moderate wing of the Democrat party. We should see many more of them up in arms – but oddly, the numbers aren’t that great.

Sure, Biden’s approval has reached the septic system and seems heading further down – but approval counts reflect the general public, not just voters and really not just Biden voters. Maybe it’s nothing – polling is not exactly trustworthy these days. Still.

Maybe most of Biden’s voters don’t care that much about the Afghanistan evacuation? Seems plausible – until we consider the horror of Americans and our Afghani friends trapped by the Taliban with things getting worse for them every day – and gut wrenching pleas for help on social media. How cold blooded are these 81 million people supposed to be, anyway?

More likely, the media is deliberately not covering just how incensed Biden voters are – not that the media is pro-Biden right now, They aren’t (mostly). But the legacy media is very interested in its own skin – and having convinced millions that ‘blue no matter who’ was a good plan they don’t want to shed too much light on the fact that it is likely backfiring – and who wants to put more wood on the fire* with already angry voters?

Still, 81 million is a lot of folks. Assuming that the numbers were a perfect representation (they aren’t – numbers never are, welcome to statistics) then 37% of these folks still approve of Biden, meaning there should be 51,199,422 folks out there who don’t approve of Biden’s performance and who voted for him. You’d think there’d be a lot of those folks hopping mad and roasting him on social media at least.

Dunno, there sure are a lot of angry folks right now but doesn’t seem like 51 million Biden voters are making much of a splash. Well, that’s only 15% of the US Population. After all, the total Covid cases, as of today totaling 39,157,249, are 11% of the population and no one is fussing much about that.

Yeah, right.

Then again, if I’d voted for a man who was clearly going senile, I wouldn’t want to admit it, either.

*Yes, I know it should be ‘give it more fuel’ but then I’d have to explain it to those who don’t remember carburetors in cars.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!