Sometimes, the Good Guys Win

Today was one of those days. Three days of deliberation had every lawyer with even a passing interest in the case nervous. What were the jurors arguing about? The facts presented at trial obliterated the ‘case’ made by the legacy media and clearly proved self defense. Even hardcore believers in the media narrative had changed their minds based on the actual evidence. So what was taking so long?

As nail biting as the wait was for the public, it was a thousand times worse in the courtroom – and infinitely more so for the defendant and his family. Minutes became hours; hours became days; days became half a week – it seemed certain to continue through into next week. And the waiting and wondering were excrutiating.

Then, when all hope of a verdict today seemed lost, the court called for the families and lawyers – that could only mean one thing. It almost seemed a longer wait as the participants gathered but finally, court was called to order, the formalities were dispensed with and the defendant stood to face the jury.

Five counts were read out and the verdict announced for each. Not guilty five times over. The eighteen year old defendant broke down with the final pronouncement. He was going home. He was free.

On August 25th, 2020, two men lost their lives in an altercation that never should have happened. Not because the defendant didn’t have a right to be there – that was always nonsense – but because NONE of them should have been there. This wasn’t a peaceful protest – it was a riot. Looting, assaults and property damage were ongoing. And for all the angst and anger expressed nothing changed for the better.

No meaningful policy changes. No public introspection. No legislation. Nothing really changed to improve anything as a direct result of the protest that the riot was predicated upon. For all the violence of the so called ‘Summer of Love’ in multiple cities across the nation there were no meaningful improvements anywhere.

Leaders of the movement bought mansions. Politicians waxed poetically about rights and oppression. Social media became a minefield. Corporations proved to be the very fascists supposedly being opposed.

Black people whose rights were supposedly being championed were disproportionately hurt – financially, socially, emotionally and physically. Most of the deaths seem to have been black people – but the media doesn’t report on that or the millions in property damage or the black people who lost homes and businesses. They aren’t important as long as ‘whiteness’ is being confronted.

None of the violence should have happened. There will be a reckoning – probably sooner than the politicians that allowed the chaos, even egged it on – would like to admit. Sure, the cynics assume that nothing will change – the powerful will get away with their corruption.

But one thing did change. Not because of the protests – but because of the hypocrisy. Yamamoto supposedly called America a ‘sleeping giant’ – well, that giant has begun to awaken and he doesn’t like what he sees. Americans who normally ignore politics or only occasionally tune in to the legacy media have begun to awaken to the evil in their midst. It’s not racism or white supremacy – it’s a naked power grab by totalitarians, those who would strip the American people of their God given rights.

They will rue having awakened that giant.

How do we know that the American people are waking up? Simple – the good guys are starting to fight back and win. It’s happening all over the country and in a variety of venues. Today it happened in a courtroom in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Today, the good guys won.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!