Science? What Science?

Has anyone else noticed that the science ceased to matter about five months ago? It’s not coincidental that this sudden shift away from ‘follow the bouncing science’ occurs just as the first indications were coming out that there were major problems with the vaccines. It’s also not coincidental that there is no discussion of science at all as the reports surface showing that the vaccines are losing efficacy fast. After all, we can’t have some silly science project getting in the way of pretending to save lives with vaccine passports.

How exactly vaccines are supposed to work when we’ve hit the herd immunity level of vaccination Fauci originally proposed, no one bothers to say. Your government at work also isn’t bothering to explain how, exactly, a vaccine is failing to provide immunity. Hundreds of millions of our tax dollars went into finding this vaccine – we are owed an explanation of why vaccinated people keep dying of this disease.

The drumbeat for mandates continues but the data is uncooperatively indicating declining vaccine efficacy. What good are mandates – even if they were constitutional – when the vaccines aren’t providing long term immunity? Most Federal officials have college degrees – did they ALL flunk Biology 101?

The evidence that vaccines improve hospital outcomes is less than stellar. Being fair, there is a case to be made here – but there is no way to know how sick a person would otherwise be. The statistical analysis of outcomes draws a correlation – but it’s not necessarily proof of the conclusion. It’s quite possible – given the media ire and public condemnations – that unvaccinated people took longer to seek care out of fear. The worse outcomes can be explained in ways other than the vaccine is making outcomes better.

What makes me extremely dubious of this conclusion is the CDC’s penchant for being ‘selective’ with the data. Excluding immunocompromised from the stats makes it look like only unvaccinated people are getting the disease – which isn’t true. And the MAIN use for the vaccines is to protect the vulnerable – it’s not just incompetent to exclude them from the data, it’s unconscionable.

Look, these kinds of studies and statistical analyses are tough to do under the best of circumstances – and a highly charged political atmosphere is NOT the best of circumstances. But we’re getting data worldwide – the stuff coming out of Israel is literally the world’s largest study in history. Most studies are lucky to get a few thousand participants – Israel has millions. And that data – which is unquestionably among the best ever – is NOT matching the safety and efficacy claims being made for these rushed through vaccines.

What that means isn’t that vaccines are bad or all scientists are evil (well, at least not most) – it means that C19 is a political issue, not a public health issue. NO intervention to date has worked. Not the lockdowns, not the mask mandates, not the social distancing, and not the vaccines, either – not a one has really done what a public health intervention is supposed to do – reduce or stop the spread of disease from one person to another.

Vaccination levels are huge – 77% in the US alone with 56.1% of the total population fully vaccinated. C19’s prevalence hasn’t been all that high in the US – it’s right at 13% according to my calculations taking the CDC’s total number of cases at 42,501,643 (as of September 22) and the US population of 327,000,000. We’ve fully vaccinated more people than the people who tested positive.

It’s much lower worldwide at 3.33% [233072149 / 7000000000 x 100]. Now, part of that is because many people aren’t tested. Another part is that C19 isn’t particularly acute in the tropics / equatorial areas. Assuming the best possible data collection, we’d fully expect the worldwide prevalence to be lower for the reasons above – but not by a factor of four in a pandemic. That looks more like what we already know about C19 – most healthy folks don’t get it or don’t get sick if they do.

This paints a picture that isn’t pretty – because the science doesn’t seem to support mass vaccination, let alone mandatory vaccination. Vaccines weren’t available at the height of the outbreak – in 2020. Prevalence should be higher since we never saw any sharp drops in new cases – not the kind that indicate a successful intervention. Yet the prevalence isn’t that high and we’re being told we MUST be vaccinated – with vaccines of declining efficacy.

Politics, anyone?

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!