Say, Has Anyone Seen Kamala Lately?

Seems like we had a vice president a few weeks ago. Didn’t she say something about being responsible for the decision to leave Afghanistan? I could have sworn I saw her on the wrong end of the Rio Grande talking about the border crisis not too long ago.

Despite lying low, Harris’ approval ratings are falling. That’s great news for Joe Biden who’s continued time in office depends primarily now on the fact that Harris would succeed him. The American people are left with a choice between a man who is clearly losing his faculties and a woman who has never demonstrated competence in the work – one of the two will run the most powerful country in the free world. No pressure.

Make no mistake, Harris wants the job. What she doesn’t want is the disaster that is the present admin’s. Inflation, border crisis, Keystone debacle, high gas prices, and the unmitigated disaster that is Afghanistan. No, she has no interest in any of that.

Which puts her in a difficult position. She genuinely doesn’t have the power to correct any of those problems – several are political landmines because they were set off by policies very popular with her base. But hiding from the media makes her look even more unreliable – and not hiding risks taking some or most of the blame for the dumpster fire that is Biden administration policy.

She’s definitely floating the 25th Amendment. She’s not stupid – this is a golden opportunity to become the first woman president. There’s no guarantee that 2024 will be better – and she’s unlikely to win in a match up with either Trump or Desantis. Certainly not against a Trump/Desantis ticket – the veep of a failed president doesn’t have that great of a starting position to begin with and really wouldn’t be likely to perform well against a powerhouse like Trump. But if Biden were removed…

If Biden were removed, she’d be stuck with this mess. Worse, Biden loyalists and any ticked off group of the Cancel Culture Left will accuse her of a coup. She’d have to do something really impressive to win people over – and it’s hard to be all that impressive when you’re a minor character coming in at the end of a disaster flick. She doesn’t have those kinds of chops judging from her record in California.

Sure, she could surprise us all – probably herself included. But I doubt she’s stupid enough to count on it.

So what is she likely up to?

Laying low for the worst of the news cycle to blow over – that is a lot easier said than done with Afghanistan getting constantly worse. But if she manages that, she’ll likely inject herself somewhere safe – something she can do to make people more confident without sticking her neck out too far. Yeah, that, too, is much easier said than done, but she needs to look presidential before she can seriously float the 25th Amendment and if she doesn’t know it, hopefully her advisors do.

But at the end of the day, Biden leaving or being removed from office is her best shot at getting the Oval Office. Whether or not she’ll get to enjoy the seat, that seems unlikely but remains to be seen.

Biden resigning over the weekend would put a huge monkey wrench in any plans she has for a successful presidency, should she get the office. Will he? Maybe – if he does, Harris’ best move would be to immediately resign as well and leave the dumpster fire to Pelosi. Harris won’t do that of course, but it would be her best option.

Pelosi probably would resign as well. A whole slate of presidential office holders out of office in under a week.

Wouldn’t that be just peachy?

But don’t worry folks – whatever happens, we’re stuck with either Biden, Harris or Pelosi for another three long years…

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!