Roe V Wade has been STRUCK DOWN!

I don’t do multiple posts on a given day – but today is very, very special. After 50 years the worst Supreme Court decision EVER is GONE. Roe V Wade and its sister decision, Casey v. Planned Parenthood , have both been struck down in a historic, landmark, AWESOME decision today in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization will go down in history alongside Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas as one of the most seminal decisions to uphold the principles of the United States Constitution.

Roe was never good law – neither morally or legally. No legal scholars on either side of the argument were happy with it. Only political activism made it possible and only political activism kept it in effect for five decades. This Court will be vilified by those who want to keep the purported ‘right’ to kill unborn children but that is only for a season. History will not be kind to America for letting this travesty persist for five decades – but it will reward this Court for finally setting things right.

Abortion isn’t over. Sixteen states have moved to enshrine the murderous policies of yesterday in their own law books. But 23 have limited it extremely or banned it outright. The political pendulum is swinging in the right direction. The fight isn’t over – but the war has been won.

Ding dong, the witch is dead!

Praise be to God Almighty – Roe v Wade has been struck down!

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!