Memes and Merchandise
Express yourself with our custom memes that you are free to use on your own social media. Or grab a t shirt or other merchandise to both express your position and support Quill Sword!
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Have trouble writing letters or finding your representative? We have templates and how to sheets to help!

Want more information or how to advice? Check out our ebooks! Coming Soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
What you want to know about us
What is Quill Sword?
Quill Sword is about current events – but in light of what to do about them, rather than only expressing our views or outrage. We believe in constructive and determined action – and in providing the tools, ideas and instructions for making that action possible and doable for every interested American.
What can one person really do?
Every political action begins with one person. One person can convince other people. One person can stand up for the truth. One person can make a difference, one person at a time, influencing other people. Politics is about the many but all politics begins with the one.
Isn’t everything already lost?
Nope. Not even close.
The loss only occurs at the end of the game – we aren’t even in halftime yet! Politics is an ongoing, ever active, process – and only people on the losing side try to convince the other side that their cause is lost.
Will my representative even listen?
The only way to be certain that your representative won’t listen is to not talk to him or her. But persistence counts – and sometimes even unreasonable people will listen to reasonable requests if we try. Representatives especially so because they know that if one person writes, a hundred more are thinking the same thing.
My representative didn’t listen, now what?
Talk to every friend you have in that district. Make sure they – and your representative – know that your representative didn’t listen to your concerns. Many times, your friends have the same concerns – and no representative wants irritated constituents.
Try again. Doing nothing is always easy – but nothing in the rule book says you can’t hit a homer on your next at bat.
You can only hit it out of the park if you swing. Sure, you strike out more often than you bat it into the parking lot – but you can’t learn to hit homers if you never step up to the plate.