Ramblings on Congress and Stuff

Sometimes, you spend so much time talking you run out of things to say. Then you ramble.

I was thinking about discussing the hilariously unproductive Biden administration. Well, being fair, the Biden Admin has produced a lot of executive orders that have been overturned in a lot of court cases – I suppose that counts as ‘productive’. Good thing Biden won’t need a job after his term – who’d hire someone with that kind of thing on their resume?

Pelosi and Schumer are still trying to get some contrivance of a budget through both Houses of Congress. Unfortunately (for them), their own party seems determined to prevent anything from ever getting through the whole process. On the bright side, they are doing a good job of getting absolutely nothing done. Bet Pelosi is wishing that she’d learned to do ‘bipartisan’ before she learned to say it so very many meaningless times.

The progressive (another term someone really should have looked up before starting to use it) wing of the Democrat party is attempting to get their grandiose socialism package through the Congress – mostly by attaching it to other legislation that is then promptly derailed by the lunacy they attached. Long game and strategy aren’t evidently part of their program. Does make for some hysterical viewing, though.

Manchin has decided that he’d like to be re-elected. Not sure that’s gonna work out for him but I’m all for the attempt – it’s a large part of what keeps mucking up the Democrat legislative efforts. At the very least, he’s going back to a very deeply conservative state and passing three trillion plus dollar budgets that have the fiscal sense of tossing money into a firepit is not something you want to explain to the folks back home. That half his party seems to have lost all connection with reality isn’t helping the poor guy.

Finally, we have the growing question – who the heck is running this madhouse? Seriously, it’s the most incompetent mess in American history – and yes, I’m counting Harding. Biden hasn’t got the wherewithal to handle an actual press conference by himself – someone has got to be actually dreaming up the insane mandates and policies Biden is issuing and pursuing – but who? Whoever it is, he, she or it (progressive use of pronouns because it’s funny! ) is possibly the only person on the planet more incompetent than the dottering old man in the Oval Office.

Maybe Nancy?

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!