Mar-A-Largo Raid and Democrat Self Destruction

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Congratulations, Democrats. You’ve taken a disastrous year and managed to make it worse.

The average Democrat was already demoralized and disconnecting from your increasingly insane party. That alone pretty much ensured a massive loss in the upcoming midterms. Those who still identify as Independent are also less enthralled with the Democrats than ever before.

I have been saying for a while now that the Democrat Party is heading for a total collapse. I’d already expected it to happen sometime after the Midterms. Now it looks like it will be almost immediately after – assuming it doesn’t happen before.

Unless you live under a rock or just have the good sense to stay off social media, you will have already heard about the raid on Mar-A-Largo, home of Former President Donald Trump on the evening of August 8, 2022. You’ve no doubt heard the outrage expressed by many Republicans and conservatives. You are by now aware that the move is unprecedented and that the judge who authorized the warrant had ties to Jeffery Epstein and that the FBI broke into a safe.

What did the FBI accomplish? Pretty much its assured destruction.

Republicans are rallying around Trump. The 2024 nomination is his for the taking now. But more than that, even the RINO’s are incensed – at least the one’s with brains are. This violates the unspoken and unbroken rule: Thou shall not weaponize the law.

The gloves are off. Problem is, the wussy kid Democrat decided to sucker punch the heavyweight Republican so it’s Republican gloves that are coming off. Any hope that the RINOs and Never Trumpers would hold sway in the Republican Party thereby protecting the Democrat backside as power shifts is gone now. RINOs may get elected but they will be covering their own behinds, not those of the Democrats.

Biden’s impeachment is now assured. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was prosecuted after being removed from office. His ne’er-do-well son certainly will be along with a glittering assortment of outgoing Democrats.

Not because the Republicans are any bastions of truth and justice but because their constituents will have their heads if they don’t. The Republicans have to solidify as a party and fast if they aren’t to follow the Democrats into history’s dustbin.

Another party will take the Democrat’s place. That will be a messy process but it will happen. As it coalesces the Republicans had better be very much on the side of the American People because the survivor of the creation process no doubt will be. It’s the only way to survive politically in the coming party system shift.

It was already bad with the Democrat enlargement of the IRS (hint: you don’t need a bigger IRS to audit the rich; but you do need it to go after that middle class thing). Inflation, gas prices, the Afghanistan debacle, Build Back Better failure, the January 6 kangaroo court, the Taiwan crisis and just about everything else the Biden admin has touched have all combined to crater the support for Democrats. So what’s a Democrat to do?

Evidently, it involves the words ‘hold my beer’.

Maybe it was avocado toast and coffee. Whatever they were handing over, the stunt they pulled next was every bit as spectacularly stupid as the dumbest redneck’s greatest fantasy. They did the worst thing they could possibly do absent openly supporting China – they attacked Trump.

There are maybe three guys left in their base that are so rabidly anti-Trump that it would play well to them. But the rest of the crew have seen this movie before and it never ends well.

Obviously, ‘rule of law’ doesn’t seem to apply to the Democrats – or so they think. Having Epstein’s former attorney sign off on the warrant was a lovely touch in a ‘look ma, no brains’ sort of way. Seriously, they couldn’t find a judge that didn’t have a connection to a sleazebag? Or maybe they just like the appearance of impropriety. Granted, that’s all it really is – appearance – but political optics are a thing, too.

Maybe the shine was wearing off Trump – at least so the Democrats hoped – but that’s no longer a concern. They just polished him up better than the citizens of the Emerald City shined the Tin Woodsman and dipped him in a few coats of Teflon to boot.

Ninety days – just under three months – until the November 8 Midterms. The Democrats are now officially so desperate that they are getting stupid. So far they only have on issue, abortion, that might garner support. Of course, most people put their pocketbooks before some irrational ‘right’ to murder babies so that hasn’t exactly been working out so far.

Sending the Gestupido into Mar-A-Largo was beyond the pale moronic. Social media will be full court press to point out the parallel with Clinton’s email server with help from Hillary Clinton herself and no amount of lame stream media non-coverage will help. Republicans are already using it in their fundraising.

But what do you expect from drowning political parties? Stupid gonna stupid, I suppose.

But thanks for the boost Democrats. I’m still betting on a catastrophic loss in the House for you guys come November.

Did expect you to try and make it happen, though.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!