Looking on the Bright Side – Legacy Media Edition

The legacy – I mean Democrat – media to the rescue! Saving the Biden administration one lie at a time.

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Trump was berated in the media from his first day in office – but somehow the same media is being much too harsh on Biden. Trump’s administration enjoyed record levels of prosperity with falling gas prices – while Biden’s administration has record inflation, gas prices, soaring housing prices, unparalleled unemployment in addition to the worsening border crisis and the botched abandonment of Afghanistan. Just exactly why shouldn’t the media be harder on Biden who is failing in EVERY METRIC?

Oh, right – Democrat.

Biden’s approval ratings remain under 50% – using the Real Clear Politics’ poll listing (their aggregate is just an average and is ignored for this purpose). A whooping 22% of respondents to a recent poll wanted Biden to run in 2024 – the media being happy that that same poll didn’t show an actual Democrat that the respondents would prefer. FYI – that’s insane. This early there won’t be a front runner for the primaries other than the incumbent. That most cartoon characters could get more than 22% support in the Democrat primaries should probably be a bigger concern for the Democrat Media.

Then there’s the panicdemic. Let’s be clear – pandemics aren’t two years long. A disease that achieves worldwide spread then continues to infect people is ENDEMIC. Pandemic is over – this is the endemic phase. The problem is that our ‘leadership’ (I used to be able to say that with a straight face) is still over reacting as if a truly deadly pandemic were occurring. Neither prevalence (how many cases compared to the number of people) nor death rates (how many people die specifically from the disease) justify the idea that this is a deadly infection to all people. It can be deadly to some – and that’s just as tragic – but it’s not even symptomatic in most. This is not at all what the standard public health definitions – the ones before all the political changes – refer to by ‘deadly’.

A lot of folks have been taken in by the hype and it’s hard to admit that they were fooled – that’s just normal for humans. Even so, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time – apologies to Abraham Lincoln – and inevitably, people are coming to the conclusion that they have been had. The Biden administration’s insistence on mandating obviously failed policies like masks and vaccines only highlights what they are trying to hide – it would be hilarious to watch if it didn’t hurt so many people. Seriously, who is going to believe that they need to keep getting vaccinated if the vaccines actually work? And when those shots are mandated – gee, wonder why people are getting so mad all of a sudden?

Other crap that wasn’t Biden’s actual fault – but was Democrat mantra for three years – is coming home to roost as well. Strangely, Walgreens and other Big Box stores don’t like having dozens of people swarm in, steal everything in sight and run away while cops stand by and do nothing so that they don’t get defunded out of a job. Who could have guessed that supporting BLM’s socialist insanity – that helped only to buy mansions for BLM leadership – would result in huge spikes in crime and major losses for retailers?

Oh, right – everyone with a functional brain.

So what to do? 2022 is unlikely to be anything but a bloodbath for Democrats in Congress since fixing any of the policies that are killing them in the polls will get them blasted by both their base and the Democrat Media. Well, gotta salvage the Biden admin, right?

So when gas prices drop an average of 9 whole cents , the Democrat media cheers Biden’s ‘success’ while also telling us that there just isn’t much Biden can do about gas prices – also, Omicron caused the drop. Seriously, I don’t think ‘messaging’ is supposed to be ‘toss out anything we can think of in hopes someone will buy some of it’.

So don’t worry folks, the Democrat Media has your back! Everything is okay – the media has just been too hard on Biden and hurray, gas prices went down to slightly less unaffordable levels! See? You’re just imagining that Biden isn’t the greatest ever! Just keep voting ‘blue, no matter who’!

Assuming anyone is still listening to them by Christmas, let alone 2022.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!