Let The Games Begin!

Just a few months ago every conservative commentator on YouTube was certain that the end was nigh – or so it seemed. Now, to be fair, the election was a heavy blow and the blatant injustice of the media’s treatment of the nothing burger of January 6 so it’s understandable that many conservatives felt as though America herself might be utterly lost.

More than one commentator expressed their frustration that Republicans, conservatives, you name it, weren’t doing enough – or weren’t doing anything at all. The country was going to hell in a handbasket and no one was doing anything!

Only, they were. Political wars aren’t won – or lost – in a news cycle. Republicans, conservatives, moderates and even a number of liberals were already fighting back against a variety of government, Big Tech and media excesses. The trouble with wars is that they have so danged many battles on so danged many battlefields all going on at once.

All three branches of government have felt – and continue to feel – the ire of the American people. America’s true diversity isn’t in the two or three minority groups being paraded as victims. American diversity is in all her people, by creed, ideals, desires and goals. Sure, gender and race – along with a thousand other things – are in the mix too – that’s part of what makes America so very diverse! It makes no sense to train Americans in diversity – we embody diversity! And a huge swath of that diversity is becoming increasingly united in its disapproval of those who would attack America’s values, history, Constitution and ideals.

We are incredibly diverse – and we can also be incredibly united. We are very much a large family – and we fight among ourselves just like a group of angry siblings. We look ready to tear each other limb from limb – but woe be unto the fool who tries to jump in! Our leadership seems to have forgotten this.

Our government is deliberately designed to be slow. Governments are a lot like freight trains – sharp turns are almost always very, very bad for them. So we slow things down, give people and passions time to cool off and to think things through. Then we pass whatever muddled mess we can and keep trudging through from there. Efficient, it’s not – but effective, especially in reflecting the desires of its people, that it is. Just awfully slowly…

But slow isn’t a dead stop. The media and Big Tech have run wild over the last two years. That would just be annoying, but they also decided to run roughshod over Americans – and the Constitution. That is likely to prove a fatal mistake.

States across the country are passing stringent election laws to combat the excesses of the 2020 election. Lawsuits are popping up like clover – and more than a few are starting to bloom. This, of course, includes the lawsuits that President Trump is now bringing against Big Tech.

I haven’t yet read the details but an early indicator that there’s likely to be some success is how fast the media is trying to convince people that the suits have no merit. Don’t know for sure yet, of course, but methinks Big Media doth protest too much…

Action is being taken: by individuals, in state and local governments, in party chapters, in the courts and more. Arizona is completing its election audit – and two more of the heavily contested states (GA and PA) are starting their own.

Whether anything come from it is up to us. If we forget about the political world and turn on Netflix, then nothing will change. If we stay informed, keep alert and make sure our representatives know exactly what we expect from them then it’s a whole new ballgame.

Bottom of the second, and America is at bat!

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!