Leftism is Drowning

Political terminology is ‘definition flexible’. Translation: stupid terms rarely mean the same thing to everyone. Everyone assumes lawyers get Poli Sci degrees as a stepping stone to law school. I suspect that having to constantly define every common term is too annoying for them.

Being a good little Poli Sci geek, I will now define my terms. Leftism for the purposes of this discussion is defined as positions on the economic scale that hold to socialism through communism and that politically seek to restructure society fundamentally in line with liberal and/or Marxist ideals. Basically, socialism and liberalism through communism and Marxism.

Clear as mud? Good. Problem with defining ideologies is that they are moving targets. And no, it’s not a great definition but it’ll get us in the ballpark which is about as close as anyone wants to get to this mess.

Now that we sorta know what leftist means, why do I say leftism is drowning? Well, ‘in decline’ just doesn’t do justice to the wild, desperate flailing around that we’re seeing in virtually every aspect of leftism on the planet.

Russia never fully lost its socialist bent and has gone hardcore fascist of late. Russia is probably the furthest to the right of the bunch. That bunch includes Europe which was having issues keeping its union together and figuring out the difference between boys and girls until they got a bit distracted with Russia invading Ukraine. To the extreme left we have a toss up between American university professors and the Chinese Communist Party with the latter being more desperate.

Yes, this IS about American politics. Politics can’t occur in a vacuum. Even if it could, this world is far too connected for ‘domestic’ politics to be completely isolated from foreign. On the bright side, the Supreme Court stopped wanting to follow European precedent. Yes, really, it was a thing for about a decade. You really don’t pay attention to this stuff, huh?

Marx is probably not the sole source of the modern leftist ideology, but he’s so influential in it that the distinction hardly matters. He’s been a thorn in the side of the US since the 1930’s. It’s been like a long, bizarre game of whack-a-mole. We no sooner think that we’ve finished with that than up Marx pops.

Not always in obvious ways. Those of you that think the so called culture wars started in 2015 with the Woke nonsense are very late to the party. No, it didn’t start in the 1980’s with Focus on the Family, although the term originates there if memory serves.

No, it started much earlier. The first time it starts making significant inroads into American politics was probably the early 1930’s. It is no coincidence that this is the eugenics and birth control era. They have the same origin.

The basic ideology of leftism is that government is a better arbiter of truth, ideology and what’s best for people. Power should be concentrated for the betterment of all. Whether that power is economic or political is of little significance. The point is that the government knows best.

After nearly a hundred years of unbroken failures, you’d think leftists would get a clue. Evidently discarding all your braincells is a prerequisite to be a leftist. No matter how obvious it is that socialism hasn’t every worked anywhere, they just say it hasn’t been really tried. Russia and China need a copy of that memo.

Plenty of countries have flirted with this particular fire, the US included. It’s a beautiful dance of flames, and they burn pretty danged hot.

Sounds so innocent – we’re just creating equality. Equity is the new target. We want a fair world. People shouldn’t have to deal with bad things. Everyone should have their needs met. The government should fix all the problems. Life would be just peachy if you’d just climb back into the Matrix.

Of course, starting with nothing but subjective terms it’s not long until ‘everyone’ turns out to not be all human beings. Food and shelter are expensive. The old, the defective and the undesirables shouldn’t be a burden to the healthy and strong. We can just humanely take them out back and shoot them.

Oh, right, it’s 2023. We use lethal injections now instead. Yay, progress!

Too many people for the planet to sustain! We have to keep all these idiots from having babies! otherwise, we elites won’t have enough stuff!

And that’s the problem: leftists never define themselves as the undesirables. That’s always everyone else, or at least everyone no one likes. You can see why they are so anti Free Speech. It’s hard to remake the world in such hypocritical ways when other people get to point out the obvious stupidity.

It’s been a long, exhausting ride. Defending Truth, Justice and the American Way is TOUGH! Dang, no wonder Superman is so beyond the pale overpowered. For this job, he barely has enough power!

Gotta admit, it would have been a lot easier if God had equipped us with heat vision but given human nature, we’re probably better off doing this the old fashioned way – fussing, fighting, feuding and defending God and country with all our might and questionable common sense.

Jokes aside, I strongly believe we’re nearing the end of this ride. One more tunnel and we’re heading into the station. America’s universities might not have gotten the memo but most of the rest of the world has. This crap doesn’t work. Take out individual incentive and you get a barely functional economic system that collapses at the first sign of trouble without a lot of jackboots and guns to keep the rabble on the inside of the fence.

It’s so much more than mere incentive. Morality, meaning, purpose, the list of positive values that are discarded and left empty by the leftists is nearly endless. But they aren’t just meaningless ideas – these are the fundamentals of human life. Amoral societies don’t truly exist because they self destruct long before they reach true amorality. Immoral ones are usually not far behind. Yet the left discards this most fundamental of all building blocks without a second thought, along with any and all else that would impede their glorious utopia.

We call this delusional thinking. Apologies to delusion. The results are inevitably the same. As the left rises to power, society declines sharply. It’s a feature, not a bug. Thing is, Internet Explorer has a bigger following these days. The party is over.

And the leftists are seeing the handwriting on the wall. Around the world we’re seeing significant growth in strong conservatism. Again, conservative is a spectrum but we’re seeing definite shifts to the right end of the spectrum of varying degree all around the world. Brexit and the 2016 election of Donald Trump weren’t shots across the bow; they were the door getting kicked in.

The left did what was to be expected; they panicked. Helpful Hint: when you’re in a crisis, chose to panic later. Never panic while you’re in trouble because you will only make it worse.

From Russia, Russia, Russia to the panicdemic and all the way through the 2022 midterms, the left in America have been in full on panic mode. They pulled out the keyboards in addition to all the stops.

They made everything worse for themselves and everyone else. This time, people have REALLY noticed. That fact alone probably spells doom for the Big Brother Fan Club. Not just in the US where despite some creative efforts, we still have political freedom, but even in totalitarian China. There’s a reason China is acting like a scared bully because that’s exactly what it is.

In America, trust for the media is probably well below that of Congress, which hasn’t been above 20% for the last thirty years. I say probably because the polling is so atrocious that there’s no point using it. Still, if CNN’s ratings are any indication – and they are – the media is in its death spiral.

How do you keep ’em down on the farm when they’ve seen gay Paris? The curtain has been ripped down and we’re all staring at the funny little man behind the wizard. If China with all its technical prowess can’t keep people from the truth, the left in the US stands no chance at all.

Just like a drowning man will lash out at his rescuer, the left has lost all sense of propriety. They can’t tell which bathroom to use so there wasn’t much left to lose but still, these idiots are going nuts. They are flailing around so desperately in the attempt to save their dystopia that they are destroying not only this latest attempt but likely any future the movement might have had.

No amount of media spin is going to protect them now. The jig is very much up. That’s the good news. The bad news is the monster ain’t dead yet. It’s the final act so you know it’ll get back up for that final jump scare before finally keeling over for good. Predictable plot and obvious twist but that danged thing packs a real punch!

So, no, it’s not over. Final act is in progress and there are so many jump scares in this thing that it’s hard to know just how close we are to the end. It’s our turn to stand up for what America stands for and to fight for truth, justice and the American Way. The hero has to win this one.

Sure wish we could fly, though.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!