Kamala’s Comeback?

Okay, technically, you have to arrive before you can come back – but you know what I mean. She’s doing the PR tour with ‘stellar’ results – if we define ‘stellar’ as ‘going nova’. It’s hard to tell if she’s trying to get her poll numbers up so she can get rid of Biden or if she’s trying to keep her numbers so low that no one will want to have her instead.

I presume the former. I’m not a real fan of the school of real politick, but it does have some uses. Here it would seem more likely that Harris would be acting out of self interest, very much out of the school of real politick. Only her lousy performance in the polls and her ineptitude any time she gets in front of a camera stands between her and that cushy chair in the Oval Office – so those should be the things she is focusing on, right?

To be sorta fair, historically the VP job isn’t exactly busy. A few public appearances to prove you haven’t been forgotten in a basement somewhere and some minor diplomatic visits to places that are going to be really impressed or really insulted. Handshakes, pose for pictures, eat all the rubber chicken you want and then watch Gilligan’s Island reruns for all anyone else cares – nice job if you can get it.

It’s also the easiest way to a promotion you could ask for – one traffic accident or crazed assassin and suddenly everyone cares what show you watch in your PJ’s. And that is why people take the VP job in the first place – the nice ones hope for an easy election victory after the eight years are up and the not so nice ones are hoping for their boss to kick the bucket.

We probably should rethink the restriction on the VP holding other offices – it might be better to keep them busier.

Be that as it may, Harris has an unprecedented opportunity – she is VP to a complete incompetent in the legal sense of incompetent. I’m dubious that Biden’s cabinet is resisting Harris’ overtures out of loyalty – or even the desire to keep their own jobs. This flaming train wreck of an administration isn’t going to look good on anyone’s resume. No, they clearly aren’t receptive to Harris or the 25th Amendment would have been invoked by now. They just don’t want her.

If this were a movie, I’d see it twice – and buy extra popcorn. Inept president, dumpster fire of an administration and a VP who literally couldn’t get elected dog catcher in her home town with no one else running occupying the most powerful positions on the planet – move over, Jerry Lewis and Don Knotts!

Seriously, will anyone believe this in a hundred years? Twenty? Heck, I’m not sure I believe it now. Biden couldn’t have made invoking the 25th easier if he were actively trying – and yet Harris is stuck doing fake photo ops with actors of the small fry variety. If anything, she’s keeping Biden in office.

But for how long? New allegations have surfaced that implicate Biden in his son’s corruption. The vaccine mandate is DOA as the vaccines are failing and most people don’t support the mandates even if the vaccines work. Afghanistan isn’t going away. Most people now believe (so the polls say) that the 2020 election was stolen. Virtually the whole country thinks Biden is mentally incompetent – again in the legal sense. And none of his platform has the slightest chance of actually being passed, let alone enacted.

It’s almost impressive that the dislike for one woman can be strong enough to keep this flaming trash heap of an administration in power.

Then again, maybe she’s hoping to crater her poll numbers enough that she can feasibly resign. Not easy – she would need to be significantly lower in the polls than Biden who is doing the limbo in the polls at present – but it would let her walk away without taking the blame for anything actually bad. Only problem is that would make Pelosi second in line until a new Veep was announced and no one would ever forgive Harris if she inadvertently made Pelosi president.

Best guess, she’s trying to hang on until after the midterms in hopes that she can stick some Republican Speaker of the House with the job. Probably won’t work – at the rate this is going Biden will be impeached by his own party as it collapses. Okay, maybe not – after all, the Democrats are united in one thing.

They really don’t like Harris.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!