Just Go, Joe

We get it – no one wants to lose. No one would want to have their job taken by the person they brought on board – probably to prevent losing their job. No one wants to fail. And no one wants to have to admit that they can’t do the job anymore. We understand – we really do.

Your party has been telling us for decades that they could provide the jobs we desperately need. Then telling us it wasn’t their fault when their policies caused the economic downturns they were blaming for the problem. We were told to ‘learn to code’ when jobs we’d worked and done well for our entire careers were sent overseas to further a vision of a ‘globalist’ world. We coped with each setback – when unions didn’t protect jobs any longer, when ‘at will’ employment substituted for enforcing legal contracts, when we were told to learn to constantly job hunt instead of being able to trust that loyalty would be rewarded – we survived all that and more.

We know exactly what it’s like to be blamed for things beyond our control. But we know more than that. We know things you won’t face – what it’s like to lose homes, family and dreams. We’ve all lost something – and many of us have lost everything to decades of exploitive Democrat economic policy. You won’t lose your home; your lovely wife won’t leave you; and you already achieved your dream of being president.

The truth is, Joe, you don’t have what it takes to do the job. You don’t have what it takes to learn to code, either – but you don’t have to worry about that. Every policy you’ve enacted in the last eight months has been a dismal failure. Most of those were reversals of the previous president’s policies. We might be inattentive at times, Joe, but the American people aren’t stupid – all of this mess is your fault. We gave you a job to do and you failed.

There’s no point in continuing. Your party has (just barely) both houses of Congress – and you served in Congress for decades. If you should have been able to do ANYTHING it would be getting legislation through. Yet you’ve completely failed both to pass the extreme legislation the Leftists of you party want and to pass anything even remotely bipartisan. If you can’t do the one job we know you have experience doing, there’s no point allowing you to continue to try to do the rest of the job you clearly don’t know how to do. Your presidency is an utter, catastrophic failure.

It’s time for you to go, Joe. Everyone knows it – and you have to face it. You are a failure.

But there is a parting gift – besides the absurd retirement benefits – IF you leave now. Harris has no clue how to fix any of the messes you’ve made and, having not even won a single primary, she doesn’t have a lot of legitimacy for the job, either. Dumping this disaster area of an administration in her lap is setting her up for failure.

On the bright side, you probably won’t remember most of this after a week or two. You can sit in your easy chair with your ice cream and watch the news, laughing at that crazy lady messing everything up. Without the stress of the job, you’ll probably recover a bit – have some additional lucid time with your family before dementia claims even that.

Just go, Joe. It’s best for everyone.

Except Kamala Harris…

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!