It’s About Our Future

America is the most consarned, ornery thickheaded mule of a nation-state ever when it gets that isolationistic bee in its bonnet. Dumbest question I hear conservatives ask is ‘why do WE have to be the world’s policeman’? Simple, it’s us or something MUCH worse.

I’d be amazed if we could convince Europe to take the job, let alone pony up for the necessary military costs. However, do we really want the folks that brought us not one but two world wars to take on the job of preventing number three? Yeah, me neither.

Russia is busily losing a war to a European backwater that literally has no navy but keeps sinking Russian ship. Even if the Russian government didn’t want to make the world safe for authoritarianism – which it does – I think leaving these losers in charge is a recipe for disaster.

China pitched a hissy fit because an old lady went to Taiwan. Blew up a heck of a lot of innocent fish in the process and that’s the HIGH POINT of China’s 2022. It was like someone dared the CCP to see if they could destroy China and still stay in power – and they were dumb enough to try. But hey, they got an aircraft carrier into blue water! A diesel powered air craft carrier – the world can count on China in a pinch as long as its very close to China’s shores. I’d pass on that alone.

The UN?

Get real. The UN can’t fight. Peacekeepers actually aren’t totally useless – no, really, they aren’t. Unless you need them to fight an actual military fight, then yeah, they’re useless. Plus in order for them to get anywhere that isn’t close by in anything resembling a timely fashion, the US Navy has to give them a ride. We could buy them tug boats and let the Russians send their aircraft carrier or we can forget the whole stupid plan.

Which leaves exactly no one. The UK couldn’t on a dare. Ditto Australia. And France. And India. And everybody else.

So, we can do the job we created until it is finished or we can sit back, watch the world plunge into WWIII and have to pick up the mess when it eventually starts pooping all over our yard.

We are the world’s policeman. It beats the alternatives. All of them.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!