Is Political Globalism Dead?

No, but it’s awfully sick.

Given the bloated, self important, elitist nonsense that currently defines globalism, no one is surprised. Well, no one normal is surprised, anyway.

Given the changes in the world, I suspect economic globalism – which is what most globalists talk about – is doomed. But the economic goal of treating the world as a market can’t even start without political globalism – the move toward a global sovereignty (form TBA). That part ain’t any too healthy right now and while it’s too early for last rites, we did already call the priest.

Anyone expecting a withering of the nation-state was deluding themselves. Anyone thinking we’re returning to the days of imperialism – the real kind, not the name calling kind people who don’t like America use the word for – is even more deluded. That quasi-internationalist/nationalist thing between the world wars? Eh, maybe, but only while the new system sorts itself out.

If you are on Team New World Order, ya might want your money back because the Great Reset is far more likely to become the Great Upset. People get ticked when you muck up their hopes and dreams and no, they won’t be happy. That would probably have been enough but Team Russian Imperialism decided to steal third – literally. The world’s two least great non-super powers are not going to reshape the world in their totalitarian image – much to the chagrin of most Western elites and many globalists.

Nor is there going to be a return to the free-for-all nation building of the Nineteenth Century. We’re skipping both monarchies and feudalism – been there, done that. No authoritarianism for us, please – we’re driving.

Settle down, Team Democracy – you aren’t even playing. Probably the only system worse than a communist totalitarianism would be a technocratic democracy. Some three year old playing with Mom’s phone deciding local tax policy really doesn’t sound like a good idea – and do you really want that weird uncle of yours voting directly on whether or not the town buys a nuke? ‘Cause you know full well he’ll propose it. At three am… when no one else is looking…

I’m on Team Democratic Republic – it’s still the worst system except for all the others. But what we’re likely to get initially is a messed up version of US/NATO hegemony with political brushfires all over the planet. Russia has knocked over the chessboard like the petulant child it is. China is cheering them on – or was until they realized that they were getting hit with the same pieces flying all over the place.

What we’re not going to get this century is one world government. Mostly because the US doesn’t want the job and even its military couldn’t actually pull that off anyway. We’re probably not getting a cold war, either – because neither Russia nor China look to have the staying power for that. We’re not going to play pandemic anymore – no one likes that game. And we’re absolutely not going to play Sun and Wind Power the Planet again for a long time to come.

That’s the problem with complex strategies to reshape the world – they don’t survive the first real punch in the face. Crisis, Crisis Everywhere is no longer a liberal Democrat game – it’s gonna pretty much be the norm for the next couple years. Only this time, it’s not pretend crises like Global Warming or COVID – it’s the real thing where real nation-states use real guns to kill lots of real people.

And global elitists find that the party is very much over.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!