Is Illegal Immigration Good for the Democrats?

They think so but they are most likely wrong. Very, very wrong.

Since the Eighties with roots going back into the Civil Rights era the Democrats have tooled themselves as the party of civil rights for the oppressed. Their policies have been unmitigated disasters for all the people they ‘helped’ but owning the media has its perks, right?

I mean, until you don’t own the media anymore. At least not the media anyone watches.

The Democrats literally do not know how to run on anything else. They have no positive policies unless you think ‘defunding the police’ was a positive. Tear it down, kill it, let it kill itself, help it destroy itself and give us more money to build more bureaucracy to pretend to fix the problems we just caused with all the rest of our nonsense is the entire Democrat playbook.

No, I’m not a little biased. I’m a WHOLE LOT biased. You sit a few young folks down to tell them their chances of becoming old folks rest on massive lifestyle changes and hoping the researchers ever get around to finding effective treatments that sane people will actually take for more than a few months and see how tolerant you are of bad and stupid disease control policies.

Okay, the researchers did finally come through on that last one. Only took two decades. If the Democrats hadn’t insisted on the government ‘helping’ maybe it wouldn’t have taken that long.

You want unbiased, find a real journalist. Good luck with that.

The Democrats have had a love/hate relationship with immigration. For decades they were fine with border control but then pushed for amnesty and higher legal immigration limits. Being semi-fair, there’s really no problem with making the case for increased legal immigration. Well, excepting the fact that the Democrats never really got around to convincing people that we needed higher limits.

Oh yes, Reagan’s amnesty was a disaster, too. Turns out beating the Democrats at a losing game is still losing.

In case you are wondering, we did more damage to Mexico than to ourselves. All the hard workers and the entrepreneurs, along with anyone that might kick up a political fuss for the Mexican government to get its act together ended up picking strawberries and moping floors in America instead of providing the necessary pressure for change in Mexico. Mexico is about thirty years behind where it should be as a result.

Not that we didn’t hurt Americans. When I started my professional career in 1997 I drove in rural Alabama daily. Any road construction required a human being to hold stop signs to get cars safely past. In South Central Alabama, most of the poor folks were and are black. I’d guess I’d see about a 70/30 split of black to white workers manning those signs. Those are folks that had decent jobs doing a pretty low skilled task. They almost certainly weren’t on welfare and they got decent pay.

By the early 2000’s most of those workers were Hispanic. For the record, Alabama does not have a significant native born Hispanic population.

Fish plants and jobs around Alabama’s then new automotive industry also had large numbers of Hispanic workers. The folks in New Mexico, Arizona and California hadn’t moved to Alabama; illegal aliens had. Jobs that could have lifted historically impoverished Alabamians out of poverty went to people who had entered illegally.

In case you’re wondering, when a fish plant was raided for illegal workers several years back, the next day they had black and white applicants around the block. Illegals are paid under the table and are cheap. They don’t take jobs Americans don’t want; they take jobs liberal elitists don’t value.

Your over educated, collegiate, lazy backside may not be willing to push a broom but many, many Americans can and will. Heck, my Master’s degreed, worked on a Ph.D, more ample than I’d like backside has pushed brooms and cleaned toilets. Only stupid people think they are too good for an honest job.

The vast majority of Americans aren’t stupid.

Which gets us back to the topic: Americans aren’t stupid. They know the difference between men and women and can smell a political witch hunt a mile away. Letting the crazies run the asylum has backfired for the Democrats. They are losing support not just in the disinterested center but within their own traditional base.

There are countless videos out there made by black people who have had their fill of the Democrat Party. The Republicans are no where near good enough to have convinced that solid part of the Democrat base to reconsider. Nope, the Democrats did that all by themselves.

And they are clueless as to how to fix it.

They aren’t performing well with American Hispanics, not even first generation ones. Legal immigrants aren’t much happier with the Democrats. Turns out law abiding folks don’t care what color the folks who won’t abide by our laws are, the law abiding expect them to respect US law or go home.

The fact that they are themselves losing out to illegal immigrants in the job market does not improve things.

Now, common sense would tell you that the Democrats need to backpedal and come up with a better plan. Major parties DIE when their bases collapse. The Democrats only just survived the Nineties as they lost their historic blue collar base.

Then they replaced that base with their ‘big tent’. Gay rights, DACA, Hispanic and Black voters filled out the rank and file. The Democrats created a new base of people that had almost nothing in common with each other and often competing interests. Some of that was kept in check as the Democrats valiantly fought first for Gay Rights and kept redefining those goals as necessary.

Then Obama shot the thing in the head with the legalization of gay marriage. It wasn’t that there was much blowback – the Center didn’t care – but he’d just yanked the lid off the pressure cooker.

Okay, he also made sure Clinton would lose 2016. I mean, he would have if she hadn’t done such a great job of mismanaging her campaign. I still can’t figure out why anyone thought Trump wasn’t going to win.

I keep telling you polls are not that trustworthy.

Anyhow, once the media didn’t have Trump in office to obsess over, the spilling over insanity of the Democrat base finally took center stage.

Needless to say, no one was impressed, empty headed media notwithstanding.

The Democrats didn’t have a coherent base to begin with and they just spent the last ten years shredding what they did have. The only party loyalists left are the crazies and the strong identifiers. FYI, it’s not looking so good on the identifier front. Between the lawlessness in the cities and the backstabbing of Israel, most of the diehards are voting Kennedy now.

So, what’s an insane, dying party to do? Why, open the borders and let illegal aliens vote, of course!

Seriously, this is actually stupider than the ‘replace Biden’ idea.

I know they know how the electoral college works. This craziness could only work if Texas and Florida not only accepted the illegals but gave them voting rights. If this was the Democrats plan, it hinged on two red states subverting their constituents and giving voting rights to people with no ties to the state.

Instead, both Florida and Texas started bussing the overflow to New York, Chicago and San Francisco, Well, those are all ‘sanctuary cities’, so they need to sanctuary, right?

Let’s just say, it isn’t working out so well.

Even if everything were hunky dory and illegals and liberals were having tie dye parties those are all BLUE states. More Democrat voters in states that were already voting Democrat doesn’t change anything. The next census is six years away – 2024 and 2028 will not show any population increase in those states so they won’t have extra electors before 2032 at the earliest.

In case you didn’t catch it, it is NOT possible to win a presidential election with this strategy for at least eight years. It won’t move the needle much on congressional elections, either. Blue states get bluer with no effect on their influence.

But wait, it gets worse. None of these sanctuary cities are coping with the influx very well and they are ALL Democrat controlled. The Democrats are counting on the gratitude of those allowed in illegally but those folks may not be so crazy about living on NYC streets, having to turn to more serious crimes, and having the only shelter they can get shut down while Democrats are failing to feed these folks.

In the meantime, the actual citizens are fed up and we’re seeing some poll movement away from the Democrats.

No, you shouldn’t trust the polls. But this runs so counter to the usual skews that it might just be something. It’ll scare the daylights out of the Democrats, anyway.

Actually, it already has. Ukraine and Israel were winning issues for the Democrats. Were, past tense. Biden can’t get an aid bill to Ukraine and he allowed a ceasefire resolution to get through the UN against Israel. Sure, some blame House Speaker Johnson but Biden had cards to play. Closing the border would have taken an issue from the Republicans and alleviated the trouble in the silly sanctuary cities, but instead Biden is fighting to stop Texas’ efforts to keep their border secure.

A decent border bill would have been impossible for Johnson to stop. It would have been a major win for Biden and strengthened his polling numbers.

But the only loyalist base the Democrats have left are the crazies. Crazies that want completely open borders and to let Hamas destroy Israel. They cannot lose these voters. So Biden and the Democrats continue shooting off their own toes with policies that all the sane people hate.

Including most of what was left of the Democrat base.

So, no, illegal immigration does not help the Democrats. if anything, it is probably speeding up their already breakneck race to destruction.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer party. Can’t happen soon enough, either.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!