Impeach Harris, 2.0

Forget for the moment that Biden currently occupies the White House. If we found any other group forcing an elderly and obviously mentally compromised man to perform any functions of a very high stress job let alone many public functions, wouldn’t we report his caregivers for elder abuse? If so, what makes the Democrats – most especially Kamala Harris – so special that they are allowed to continue this sick farce?

Harris has the power – and the duty – to begin the process of invoking the 25th Amendment yet we hear nothing at all from her about it. I’ll grant, she has a difficult hurdle in that the cabinet has to be in agreement and Biden’s cabinet is not friendly toward Harris. Welcome to grown up world where we have to do things we don’t like because they are the right thing to do – now finish your spinach.

Biden’s decline is obvious. He’s getting worse and sending him home to Delaware every week isn’t helping. Shoving him in front of cameras is abusive – but hiding him is conspiratorial. Enough is enough – it’s not tenable to wait until the Republicans take the Congress in 2022 and then let them impeach him. Biden needs to retire or be removed NOW. If he can’t or won’t resign – and bear in mind, we really don’t know whether he fully realizes his position – then it’s Harris’ duty to her president and to the American people to invoke the 25th – or at least give it a heck of a try.

If Harris fails to act publicly soon, the first impeachment of the 118th Congress should be of Kamala Harris. Congress can then invoke the 25th and we’ll be stuck with two years of President Pelosi. But better that than allow Harris to get away with her gross and unforgivable negligence.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!