Impeach Biden

I’m fully aware that there’s no way to get articles of impeachment to the House floor – the House can’t even pass a budget right now. I’m not certain that no Democrats would defect – any remaining moderates hoping to survive the midterms may be inclined to vote with the Republicans – but there wouldn’t be enough so it wouldn’t be passed.

Do it anyway.

Pick a rookie member no one has heard of and have them introduce the articles. The political risk is miniscule – this happens every time a Republican is elected President (no, I’m not kidding).

The Republicans won’t, of course. And I’ll grant, they’re probably being smarter than I am right now. The Democrats are busy politically destroying themselves and it’s probably best to stay out of their way. Introducing articles runs the risk of the Democrats having a collective seizure and going even more crazy than they already are. I get that. It makes sense.

But impeach Biden anyway.

Why? I’ll give you 14,000 reasons. Biden left not just a hundred – which is a hundred too many – Americans behind in the botched evacuation of Afghanistan. He left 14,000 US Residents – meaning both American citizens and those who have American green cards. I’m not interested in splitting citizenship hairs – they are ALL our people. Abandoning them is treason.

And no, I don’t care that it’s not technically treason – Biden betrayed the US, those people in Afghanistan, our military and us. If this doesn’t rise to the level of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ nothing does.

Impeaching Biden is the right thing to do.

And there’s nothing preventing us from impeaching Harris while we’re at it. She should have invoked the 25th – or at least made a heck of a try – long since. Instead she’s doing bizarre staged PSA’s and hiding from the public evidently in an attempt to get as far from Biden and the blame as possible. But protecting her own backside is NOT her job – upholding her oath of office is.

This administration totters between gross incompetence and totalitarianism. It’s already lasted 10 months longer than it should have – no one actually wants all four years of this garbage.

Yeah, I know – government isn’t supposed to be fast. There are good reasons for slowing things down so we get better policies. I’m fully aware that I’m being unreasonable and emotional. I’m also fully aware that this kind of unreasonable and emotional is why we don’t want government to be immediately responsive. I get that.

But impeach Biden ANYWAY. And more important than that – GET OUR PEOPLE SAFELY HOME NOW.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!