Happy People Will Lie About You Once You’re Unpopular Day!

We used to just call it ‘Columbus Day’ but then the media and the left decided that narrative was more important than truth.

But we also used to define vaccines by their ability to provide immunity – literally, if they can’t do that, they are just a form of treatment, not a vaccine. But the CDC wants everyone to be vaccinated regardless of how insane it is so it quietly changed the definition on its website – and several dictionaries followed suit. Can’t even trust the dictionary anymore.

People who think that maybe they’d rather not be part of a mass experiment with a vaccine that hasn’t really been FDA approved (Nope, the FDA approved a different, impossible to get ahold of vaccine and called them ‘interchangeable’.) are derided as ‘anti-vaxers’. Never mind these folks are almost all vaccinated for other things with real vaccines. Got my small pox vaccine scar to this day, thanks.

Oh, and just to show our work – here’s the FDA Version from their Q&A page:

How is Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine?

The FDA-approved Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA), made by Pfizer for BioNTech and the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under EUA have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns.  For purposes of administration, doses distributed under the EUA are interchangeable with the licensed doses. The Vaccine Information Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers provides additional information about both the approved and authorized vaccines.

*emphasis mine

It’s a lovely bit of sleight of hand but the reality is one, Comirnaty, is licensed (approved) and the other – the one you are most likely to receive, Pfizer-BioNTech – is still under the EUA. The fact that it’s being represented as fully approved is what makes this look highly suspicious. If there’s a valid reason to do this, state it. Otherwise, ‘can be used interchangeably’ means ‘the FDA hasn’t actually approved this particular vaccine for reasons it fails to disclose’. And they wonder why people are losing trust in the FDA…

Remember Afghanistan? Little Middle Eastern country that we abandoned not so long ago? Yeah, still have Americans trapped there and the legacy media is – dead silent. I honestly think it’s now more amazing that they have positive ratings at all. I suspect some folks are calling Nielsen just to tell them that no one is watching CNN – the most untrustworthy name in news.

Gotta give them credit for determination – they are sticking to the vaccine mandate thing as the evidence snowballs that the vaccines are not effective for more than a few months and not nearly as effective as natural immunity. But the reality is the Republicans would like to be able to go home – and siding with the Dems on this, even a little, would be political suicide. Heck, there are Democrats jumping ship for exactly the same reason. No mandate legislation stands a chance and the executive edict is not long for this world as it starts to really hit the courts. But you’d never know it from listening to the media.

Truth is, the Democrats already committed political suicide – the party is just taking its time dying. This is nothing new – it’s called a party system shift. Occasionally, one or both parties collapse – this is why none of us are Whigs. It’s not a pleasant thing – especially if your party is collapsing – but it’s far from the end of the world.

Which brings us to my point in this diatribe – within the next year the media will start losing what’s left of its collective mind as the Democrat party faces a wholesale slaughter in the midterms. Political analysts are already hinting that the Dems could lose as many as forty seats and even the Senate majority. It is WAY too early to be sure, but I suspect that if we held the elections today, the Dems would lose far more than just forty seats in the House – I don’t see them keeping the Senate, either.

That’s a wholesale collapse if it happens. If the Dems don’t stop the hemorrhaging soon, it’s possible they won’t be the minority party, either. Yeah, it can happen – whether the voters would go Libertarian or Green or whatnot, no idea. Probably it would be a weird case of a Republican majority and an Independent minority – IF it happens.

As it stands, things already look bleak. Democrat rank and file – and the media – will eventually get the memo. That will set off the worst round of flagrant lying yet. Republicans will be defamed as Satanists – worse, Racist Satanists – any nasty sounding crazy thing the media can concoct as they flail around trying to maintain their hold on power. It’s going to be nasty.

Kinda like the lies they tell about an explorer from 500 years ago who was bad at geography but good at commanding his tiny fleet. Found a whole continent – made friends with some natives, screwed up a LOT because captaining a ship isn’t great training for political intrigue. Did put a stop to the cannibalism, which seems a good thing.

People who will lie about the long dead just to serve their own political purposes will lie about anyone – and won’t care about the consequences. Happy Columbus Day – when the vitriol starts flowing, remember they lied about poor Columbus and the end of the Democrat party – if it happens – isn’t the end of the world.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!