Good Grief, That Nosedived Fast!

This is a rare supplemental update so it won’t be uploaded as a podcast or video.

My best understanding as of this writing is that the case against Trump in the Stormy Daniels matter has disintegrated. That’s impressive as it was already in ashes.

The short version is Cohen’s lawyer had written a letter in 2016 on Cohen’s behalf expressly stating that Trump was not aware of the $130,000 transaction. Cohen was the star witness, and convicted perjurer, to the contrary.

This is so beyond the pale messed up that it’s actually sad.

There’s next to no chance of an indictment now, at least not if what half of what I’m hearing is correct. Well, an indictment of Trump, I mean. DA Bragg might want to retain counsel.


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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!