Get Woke, Go Broke – Running a Political Party by Catering to the Mentally Ill

The Democrats are stuck. They spent more than thirty years and billions of tax dollars establishing that homosexuality was perfectly normal and that only the evil and backward would think differently in the face of Enlightened ScienceTM . Saint Obama granted their dearest wish (not really but kinda*) and sanctified Gay Marriage throughout the land. Yay, milk and cookies for everyone.

Small problem, the Democrats have a very big tent full of very, very incompatible groups. Many of those were placated for years with promises that their day would come, as soon as the poor, oppressed, Gay Community was liberated. This worked fine until Obama effectively declared ‘mission accomplished’ – so now the patient, faithful and completely delusional members of the Big Tent expect to get their turn. Should be straight forward except for that part about the fringe lunatics now demanding that their lunacy be enshrined in law. Hint: never promise to pay a tab you can’t pay.

There’s no way for the Democrats to win. The idea that you can be the ‘wrong’ gender is absolutely delusional. No science that even remotely resembles science actually backs up this insanity.

But remember all that ‘proof’ – the many (not really) studies that supposedly proved homosexuality is normal? Yeppers, pretty much the same scientific (using the term very loosely) standard. Claiming scientific high ground won’t work for the Democrats unless they are prepared to revisit their claims about homosexuality – which they most certainly are not ever going to consider doing. Gay marriage is the only accomplishment they can point to for about the last 20 years.

The logic for homosexuality as normal is the exact same as the logic that men are women trapped in male bodies. The slippery slope conservatives warned about where you cannot call out insanity related to sexuality has set up a water park in the Democrat Party. The Democrats cannot establish a red line – literally nothing is off their table, no matter how obviously distorted, blatantly untrue, or outright nutso the claim. Trans, furry or pedophile, there’s no way for the Democrats to argue that these obviously mentally ill people are mentally ill. Science, for the complete loss.

Remember, these groups are the Democrat party base. The woke far left is the active part of the Democrat party. The Democrats cannot just ignore the crazies in the corner because the inmates are literally running the asylum. The Democrats are stuck with this mess.

And it’s a very destructive mess.

If Twitter actually reflected real life, the Democrats would be fine. The majority of Americans would be just as bat*%^& crazy and we’d all be voting Democrat forever. If silencing the opposition online worked, American’s would all be flying rainbow flags.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Big Tech is getting a very nasty wake up call. The phenomena of woke companies suffering major reverses has been going on for the last several years. Of late, Disney stuck its nose in Florida politics and got it cut off. Being fair, Disney had the same problem the Democrats have – their crazies are pushing them into a corner. That’s probably cold comfort as they lose their sweetheart status in Florida and are likely to lose their most valuable copyrights at the Federal level.

Netflix decided to cut and run – they are now officially pro Free Speech and woke need not apply. In fact, they are welcome to quit. It’s probably too little too late – a strongly conservative congress is coming and we haven’t forgotten that one movie we can’t call by name in a family friendly forum or polite society, Netflix. Point being, however, Netflix has seen the hand writing on the wall.

Twitter is in deep, deep trouble. Musk doesn’t need to complete the deal – if he can show, as it now appears, that Twitter has been falsely reporting its daily user base to a significant degree then Twitter is doomed. Forget the buyout – the advertisers will bankrupt the company with lawsuits. Defrauding other companies is a bad thing.

Might wanna keep that in mind, Facebook and Google.

Here’s the dirty little secret: propaganda isn’t terribly effective at the changing minds thing. It plays on emotions and intellectual apathy. Sure, it has some successes – but what we’re seeing now is its abject failure.

Once the people get a peek behind the curtain, they start wondering what else is fake. No amount of assuring them that you are a very good man but a very bad wizard is going to save your company or your party from the wrath of the deceived and the oppressed.

The 2020 election was a bad joke – but the 2022 midterms are the real punchline. There’s not going to be a civil war because the crazies never had the hearts and minds of millions as the Democrats pretended. The Democrats had taken the lid off the pressure cooker that was their Big Tent allowing the woke crazies to not only escape but take charge – but they were never the majority and none of their policy agenda resonated with the actual majority of people left who identify as Democrat..

Democrats probably haven’t held the majority they believed they did in over a decade (polls are not real good ways to count support anymore). They clearly aren’t representing the majority of Americans any longer. Their tent is on the ground – very few real people support ANY of their crazy woke policies that the Democrats keep swearing are ‘science’.

Which makes people wonder just how much science is in the science these days – further eroding what little non-woke base the Democrats have left. The Democrats are a train wreck of a party as they, too, learn too late: get woke, go broke.

Nothing can save the Democrats from bankruptcy now.

*The Supreme Court actually ‘legalized’ gay marriage, not at all coincidentally after Obama’s famous change of heart on the issue.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!