Failure isn’t a Bug; It’s a Feature for the Biden Administration

This is the most incompetent administration in national history. It’s the first to manage to lose a war deliberately. It’s managed to violate the Constitution so badly that even the ever supportive Supreme Court finally said knock it off. This administration has lost every case with a verdict thus far challenging its increasingly bizarre edicts. One of its political allies is now protesting against it in the streets. None of its signature legislation has passed both Houses of Congress despite being the majority party in both. Seriously, this is beyond the pale.

Biden, last we heard, was in Delaware which is where he spends a large amount of his time. No one begrudges the occasional weekend at home but this isn’t a commuter job, Joe. His press conferences are unwatchable – it’s sad when you don’t care what he’s saying just so long as he manages to stay coherent. Sadder still, he is managing coherence less and less often.

France is seriously ticked off about the sale of nuclear subs to Australia. Given Australia’s sudden authoritarian bent, a lot of people at home are also ticked. Is there a reason we’re violating arms treaties now? Seems like a bad idea – to everyone but the Biden administration.

Back home folks are much more ticked off about the increasingly draconian mandates that don’t seem to actually serve a purpose. If vaccines work then unvaccinated people are no threat to those who are vaccinated – we were all taught the basics of this in grade school – yet minor ‘surges’ in cases are blamed on the unvaccinated regardless that a lot of the cases being counted are people who were vaccinated. The fear mongering is beginning to fall on deaf ears as more and more people realize that this makes little sense.

So the administration nationalizes the monoclonal antibody supply and begins rationing the only effective treatment that prevents hospitalization. The FDA starts playing cutesy with a supplement that may – or may not – help and which has been on the market for decades. This after the FDA backed away from the booster requirement the administration wanted. These actions aren’t public health – it’s just playing politics with a virus. The crazy part is this muddled mess is the best card the administration has to play right now.

The Biden administration seems to be convinced that if they do something ‘right’ on C19 that a miracle will occur and the public will forget about all the other failures, missteps and plain old screw ups, most especially Afghanistan where rescue efforts are still ongoing for the remaining few they left behind. Nothing like a sudden massive upsurge in deaths to take people’s minds off of little things like Afghanistan – now if only they can get the virus to cooperate…

Trouble is, most people were already vaccinated. The virus is well into its umpteenth variant and those are predictably becoming less virulent. A lot of people have had C19 without knowing it and have natural immunity from that infection – and a good number of them were vaccinated as well. It all translates to lower and lower numbers of truly new cases and fewer and fewer deaths. Great for people, not so great for a beleaguered administration that needs to do something so it has a big win. Or at least scares the daylights out of people so they forget little stuff – like everything the administration has done in the last nine months.

It’s kinda embarrassing when you begin your term by ending your predecessor’s border policy only to have to turn around and re-enact it. That’s another massive failure with even more trouble on the way because eventually Mexico isn’t going to be able to tolerate the burdens this huge influx of migrants is putting on Mexico – and they are going to want the US to do something about it.

In the meantime, the press seems determined to actually report for once, just when the administration really needs less coverage of the border crisis. Voters get all upset about millions of folks showing up on our southern border and trying to walk right in. More upset when the administration has a ‘catch and release’ policy that allows unvaccinated people to enter the US in the middle of an epidemic that supposedly justifies forcing the American people into vaccinations they don’t want.

And in the win column there’s… um… well… Let’s see…

Nothing. This administration hasn’t had a real success in its entire nine months. Most of the population believes Biden won’t finish his term – and did so before the most recent Articles of Impeachment were drafted. It’s to the point that Harris would be doing Biden a favor to invoke the 25th – except she seems to have decided she doesn’t want the job right now. Personally, can’t blame her – but since it’s her duty to invoke the 25th she’s only making it worse.

UNLESS it’s all a massive psy-op! The Democrats are conspiring to force the US into socialism by having a clearly befuddled old man as the patsy while they … fail to get legislation through Congress? Shoot, there for a second the last nine months almost made sense.

Sad when the crazy conspiracy theory sounds more sensible than the entire policy platform of the current administration.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!