DOJ Drops Investigation into Nursing Home Deaths – Take ACTION

This is not a regularly scheduled blog.

As most of you are no doubt aware, early in the C19 crisis a number of governors across the nation used nursing homes as extra medical bed space for Covid 19 patients – while those homes were still occupied by the vulnerable elderly and disabled residents. As a direct result, thousands of those residents contracted C19 and died from that disease.

As a former Disease Intervention Specialist, I am of the opinion that every public health department in the country – as well as the CDC – had to have been cognizant of the risk inherent to introducing infectious disease into a vulnerable population. Even if it were a legitimate and tragic mistake and not the result of irresponsible action in the face of political pressure, there is no justification for not having full and complete investigations into EXACTLY what happened that lead to the decisions that were directly responsible for thousands of deaths – probably more, but the statistics have not been separated and what is available is inconsistent.

The lack of exact statistics is inexcusable at this late date. But the Department of Justice failing to do its duty to investigate this huge loss of life is more than inexcusable – it’s criminal.

What you can do is contact your representative, your senators and the President It doesn’t matter who you voted for – they are all sworn to uphold the Constitution. Your representative represents all those in your district, regardless how they voted. Same for both of your senators and the President. They are all YOUR representatives.

Don’t let this be swept under the rug – take the time to let your representative know that you want the investigations to continue until we know exactly why so many infected patients were sent into nursing homes.

Below are the links to find and contact your Federal representatives. Below that is an example of a protest letter – feel free to use it and adjust it as you see fit.

Once you’ve contacted your representatives, make sure all your friends know to contact theirs. Share this post if you like – or just copy the parts you need.

The only thing I ask you not to do is to do nothing. Do something – take action. Right now.

Quickie Contact Links – Federal


United States House of Representatives


United States Senate


Office of the President of the United States

Phone Numbers and Addresses

Physical Address:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Example Letter (body):

I am writing to express my concern regarding the actions of the Department of Justice in dropping the investigations into the reasons for governors in several states to order patients known to be infected with COVID 19 into various nursing homes.

As I am sure you are aware there is a great deal of public concern about this very critically important matter. It’s estimated that thousands of elderly and vulnerable nursing home residents died as a direct result of these orders. The Constitution guarantees that no one is above the law – justice demands that these deaths be thoroughly and fairly investigated. It is unconscionable that the Department of Justice has so blatantly abdicated its duty.

I hope as the representative of the state of_______ you will insist that the Department of Justice reopen the investigations and bring your influence to bear until they do.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to a prompt favorable reply.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!