Does America Rule the World?

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No. Thanks for dropping by, See you Wednesday for…

Aww, come on, can’t you just once accept the short answer?

Okay, fine, so make a cranky old lady work. Here’s the long answer: No country rules the world. France, Russia and China would like to; the US is stuck with keeping the kids away from the knives, and all the other nation-states have too many issues at home to even think about it.

But, but, world reserve currency, largest navy, largest military, largest economy, Security Council, <insert long list of American foreign policy actions and benefits here>. Certainly the most powerful nation on Earth rules the world, right?

Have you looked at this planet lately? Being the harried teen in a sea of kindergarteners doesn’t translate to being actually in charge. Slightly controlled chaos is not the same thing as actual control.

Skipping Russia’s current power grab that is being stalled by a just barely above Third World status little country and China’s hilarious hissy fit over an 80 year old’s vanity project, all the US has really accomplished is that nation-states can trade with each other minus the need for their own navies. That’s a pretty big accomplishment, actually, but it’s not the same thing as taking over the world.

Let alone actually ruling it.

Cuba is still self destructing. It’s not like the US hasn’t told them what to do so that they can grow a successful economy and to get the US to lift the sanctions. Cuba is ruled by a tin pot dictator who isn’t going to give up power regardless of what the US says. Isn’t part of ruling the world getting to tell nation-states what to do and they do it? So much for that.

Okay, so maybe Cuba is an outlier.

Right. Then about 50 to 80 nation-states worldwide are all outliers. Greece still doesn’t have its act together and is busily squabbling with Turkey. Turkey is in worse shape and trying to annoy everyone all at once without actually starting a fight. The Saudis are trying to decide if they want to cozy up to the Chinese or just annoy the US for fun. Serbia is still pouting over Kosovo.

Brazil is definitely cozying up to China while trying not to annoy the US and to not have its people starve. Argentina is trying to see how long it can let twelve year olds run their government. Venezuela is a total wreck. Sri Lanka has collapsed. India is playing all sides. There are no African nation-states that are in good shape and half are fighting with the other half.

All of the above have been in talks of one kind or another with the US and none of them are doing what the US told them to do. This is just a fraction of the list. I think the point is proven; the United States does not rule this madhouse.

I can’t figure out for the life of me why anyone would want to run this jalopy. You spend more time fixing it than driving it. There is no smooth sailing. There’s nothing BUT trouble. And the topper is that there is no naptime! Nation-states don’t take a break. They don’t wear themselves out like kindergarteners do. It’s nonstop, full time, 24/7/365 chaos. What idiot would want it?

I mean besides Dr. Doom, Dr. Evil and Dr. Claw. I’d consider voting for Dr. Claw because after years of fighting with Inspector Gadget, he’s probably the world’s greatest expert on chaos. Or will be once he finishes therapy.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!