Did Canada Just Become the Champion of Freedom?

Short answer: yeppers. Long answer: Just be nice and let them enjoy their fifteen minutes of fame.

Just be glad their protests don’t involve moose. I mean, it’s Canada – they are awful proud of their mooses.

Yes, I have trouble taking Canada seriously even when I wholeheartedly support what they are doing. It’s Canada – they have a hard time taking themselves seriously. I think Quebec has the Canadian monopoly on taking themselves too seriously and the rest of Canada doesn’t want to be rude.

Canada has had a few protests over the last few years. They very politely show up and demand their rights be given back. I’m kinda surprised it didn’t work – Canada is the only nation on Earth that had a shot of resolving this insanity with some polite demands over doughnuts. Evidently, even the Canadian government is too far gone.

It has also gone too far. You can only expect people to politely be assaulted so many times. Eventually, a stern talking to is just not enough – there has to be a revolution.

Also, never tick off truckers. They don’t need Google – they have CB’s and know every Tim Horton’s from coast to coast. It’s a lot easier to organize when there’s no Big Tech nanny in the way.

The long term consequences will probably involve a new CB craze and “Convoy” hitting the Top Ten again.

The way we can tell that these truckers are serious is that they are honking their horns in the middle of Ottawa. That it pretty pale stuff by American standards – but it’s pretty radical by Canadian standards. These truckers are being downright rude. I hear that Ottawa’s Reddit is all in a tizzy – seriously, they haven’t ever seen rude before. They don’t know what to do with it.

And the demands! American radicals would have an incoherent list as long as your arm that would mostly be comprised of ways to give them more money. These truckers have only two: no more mandates and Trudeau must resign immediately. No demands for reparations or cash – just freedom and a tyrant’s resignation.

And they didn’t even cuss when they made their demands. Weird.

Said tyrant is in hiding – and quarantine. Seems umpteen vaccine shots and boosters don’t actually prevent you from getting the disease. Funny, in school they taught us that ‘immunization’ came from the word ‘immune’ which basically meant take the shot so you don’t ever get the disease. Huh, so vaccination against the cold virus really doesn’t work. Who’da thunk?

This promises to be amusing – the truckers are just hanging around, blowing horns and eating all the food. Residents are clutching their pearls and investing in earplugs. The truckers are in this for the long haul (pun very much intended) but the residents aren’t likely to be any too happy to wait two weeks for Trudeau to emerge from hiding, er quarantine. Wanna take bets on who is most likely to run him out on a rail when he does finally show himself? I’ll take the Ottawa residents.

Oh sure, there’s the usual leftist spin. Truckers are racists (how the Union Jack gets mistaken for the Confederate Battle Flag beats me). It’s all a plot (Russian, white supremist, take your pick). How dare they oppose mandates – all the usual garbage.

Difference is, pretty much the whole planet is convinced that the truckers are the good guys.

So, what’s going to happen? Honestly, dunno. Trudeau isn’t an ‘under pressure’ sort of guy and Canada is very much in the international spotlight. Shooting obviously peaceful protestors – especially after you were the one that made them so mad they have actually been rude – really isn’t an option. Way too many cameras on the ground and Ottawa is too close to the US to try disruptions (I guarantee a bunch of those cameras are hooked to US internet and cell providers).

Repealing the mandate is too obvious – it makes the guy hiding in his basement look even weaker. Trudeau is trying to buy time for people to lose interest – or Ottawa’s Tim Horton’s to run out of doughnuts. But the thing about stirring up a hornet’s nest is that you had better be able to outrun them because as long as you’re still around, they’re still stirred up. It will take months for the international community to so lose interest that Trudeau could try reprisals – and he simply doesn’t have that kind of time.

Will Trudeau resign? Probably not for a week or more. But this looks like it has legs and Trudeau probably won’t survive the political pressure. His party is looking down the barrel of a very big gun – and they will quickly decide that Trudeau is a liability. If he doesn’t resign he won’t survive a vote of no confidence. Parliamentary systems are skewy but they do have the advantage of quick disposal of unwanted leaders.

Very politely, of course.

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Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!