Devastation! Biden Debate Meltdown

Well, that ought to be a clickbaity enough title. Sadly, it’s also true.

I have GOT to stop overestimating Democrat competence. I expected Biden to perform poorly but no competent campaign would have let Biden within a thousand miles of that debate knowing he was in such poor condition. You’ll be hearing a lot about the Biden family wanting to fire staff. Well, I agree with them on at least one – that campaign manager should have already been fired.

The debate was Thursday and as of this writing, Biden intends to remain in the race. Biden has been running for president quite literally most of his adult life. Expecting him to willingly step down when he has the nomination sewn up is foolishness.

It’s been long enough that I’m skeptical of reports that Biden did decide to step aside but hasn’t decided on how to announce it. If he were going to do that kind of mea culpa, it would have likely happened in the first seventy-two hours. Sure, anything can happen but I don’t see why it should.

Here’s what I’m not hearing in most commentary and analysis: no one actually has leverage to oust Biden at this point. Worse, the people that commentators keep mentioning as able to talk Biden into leaving are the least likely to be able to do that: Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Seriously, this is the dumbest thing ever. Biden served as Obama’s VP for eight years only to be bypassed for Hillary Clinton. When Biden decided to run in 2020 Obama tried to talk him out of it. Exactly how many knives does Biden have in his back, anyway?

Biden has the nomination – he has over 3700 delegates and no one else has more than low triple digits. Super delegates don’t vote in the first round. How, exactly, can the leadership force him out? At the convention, they can’t.

Biden has the ballot in Wisconsin and Nevada. Both are swing states and this matters because there is no way to take him off the ballot in Wisconsin at all and they’d have to invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to get him off in Nevada. Georgia will be just as lost in a few more weeks. That means that any substitute candidate would not be on the ballot in at least three swing states. Even if that candidate could pull all the ‘deep blue’ states, they would still lose since they couldn’t get any votes at all in the swing states mentioned so far.

Biden has the money. Even if he gets no more donations, which is unlikely, he has a big enough war chest to fight on for the remaining four months. Biden will have even more money once he officially has the nomination in six weeks as the DNC will then have to support him as their nominee.

Biden already has a campaign in full swing. He needs a new campaign manager but the ground work is already done. People underestimate the logistics of campaigning, especially at the national level. The DNC would have to scramble to get another candidate outfitted well enough to run a real effective campaign this late in the game.

What part of any of that makes it necessary for Biden to step aside?

Don’t say ‘for the good of the party’. It’s the party that has backstabbed him multiple times and is probably more than a little responsible for the disaster area that is the Biden presidency. Staffers can be a great asset or a major liability. To a guy like Biden who was so obviously in decline, staffers can be uncontrollable. This may explain why Biden’s policies have been so scattershot and counterproductive.

Oh, it’s still Biden’s fault. He wanted the job; he has to do the job.

Regardless, the Democrat Party is more than willing to throw a man who has served their cause for five decades under a bus. Then they wonder why Biden is no longer concerned about being loyal. Hint: he doesn’t need to be.

Biden has no heir apparent. Biden has done nothing until extremely recently to help Harris stop chewing on her own feet. She clearly is as much a tool to be discarded as Biden had been. Biden’s son will never get elected dog catcher so there won’t be a Biden dynasty. The only thing Biden might want to protect the party for is his legacy and his heir apparent. The first was already destroyed and the latter doesn’t exist.

You’re probably hearing a lot of shade being thrown at the Biden family. There is probably some truth to some of the allegations, but in reality, it’s just the insane, panicked party trying to force Biden out. My guess is that why someone fed Bill O’Reilly that bit about Biden intending to step down. It creates more pressure on Biden.

Or would if he had anything to lose by staying in the race.

What’s going to happen? Is he magically going to live longer by stepping aside? Being forced out is somehow going to make him happier?

How delusional is the DNC?

Biden is where he wants to be. Jill Biden is making sure her husband gets to keep the job he has always wanted. She’s being accused of being some power mad harpy in order to pressure Biden into quitting.

Well, she either really is a power mad harpy, or a mad mother hen. Either way, she’s standing up to the only psychological pressure I can see that the DNC has on Biden.

On to Plan F? Plan G? Heck, they have been through so many in the last few days I’ve lost count.

You’ve also no doubt heard that this is all part of the Plan(TM). Probably not. Sure, there was some pretty obvious prep but that can just as easily be prevention as intention. Grand conspiracies are rare because they are so hard to both create then implement. Getting a bunch of ambitious politicos, power craving toadies and the usual suspects of hangers on to all act as a team makes herding cats without a can opener look like a round of golf.

That doesn’t mean plots don’t exist. But plots are a lot easier to conceal than conspiracies – because of the difference in scale. It takes people to do this stuff. A few plotters might hatch something until things go south then they turn on each other. A conspiracy large enough to torpedo the incumbent President while he is the party nominee? That is a mighty big check to cash.

No, I don’t think there was a grand conspiracy to ‘get Trump’. I think it was a few plots and a lot of dogpiles. The Democrats damaged their party getting Trump and they keep damaging it. If it is a grand conspiracy the conspirators are all idiots. Opportunists and toadies are a better explanation.

If there is a grand conspiracy to get Biden, it’s hilarious. The Democrats are very, very likely to lose not only the election but their rank and file and parts of their base – assuming there are still any sane parts to the Democrat base. This election was already dangerous to the Democrat party and they just lit a powder keg.

Er, we Republicans will just watch from WAY over there…

So, who is heading up this conspiracy? Obama and Clinton are the most likely candidates. Dynasties are nasty sometimes. To what end? Getting Michele Obama elected?

Stop, stop, I’m laughing too hard and can’t breathe!

Oh, she is far and away the most electable of the slate of impostors the Democrats have been floating. I hope she likes the name Lurleen. Personally, I think it’s pretty and would hope Obama has enough sense to not run like this. It’s insanely bad optics. She will be hailed as Lurleen Obama from the instant she announces.

You don’t understand why? They really don’t teach you kids any history anymore, do they?

Lurleen Wallace was the first woman governor of the State of Alabama. She served from 1967 until her unfortunate death in 1968. Does her last name ring any bells? You win the cookie! Lurleen Wallace was the wife of George C. Wallace. Wallace had just served two terms and Alabama law only allows for two in succession. You can serve more than two terms, just not consecutively. So when George Wallace could not run for a third term, his wife stepped in and ran instead.

Yes, everyone knew what Wallace was doing. They elected her anyway because they liked Wallace. Wallace would go on to serve a total of five terms as Governor of Alabama.

However, that was more than a half century ago and in a state, not the Federal government. Times have changed and having the little missus warm the seat for the man of the house is unlikely to sit well with women, progressives and anyone who is already fed up with this dynastic nonsense.

Gotta admit, I’m working on a Lurleen Obama tee shirt. Come on, it’s hysterical!

Okay, okay, I won’t offer it unless she runs.


What the Democrats are hoping is that substituting a black woman for the black woman who actually is VP will keep blacks from noticing that they just sold the first black woman VP down the river.

Those of you who think I’m being overly sympathetic to Biden, you’re mistaken. There’s no good that can come from denigrating an old man in obvious decline. There’s also no sense in leaving him in the White House. It’s the seat of American government and power, not Happy Hills Rest Home.

But invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment won’t solve the problem. First off, that just gets Biden out of the White House. He’d still have the party’s nomination and would still be on Wisconsin’s ballot. The Democrats would have to act separately within their convention to get a new nominee. In the meantime, they would have just admitted to the people of the United States that they had conspired to elect a mentally incompetent man to the presidency.

No way to sugar coat it, that would spur massive investigations – even worse if Trump takes both House and Senate on election – and almost certainly lead to criminal charges and not just for the Bidens. All the Democrat leadership would come under immediate and harsh scrutiny. Trump won’t be pulling a Ford and pardoning these guys for the ‘good of the country’. Nope, we’ll be having a good, old fashioned political shellacking.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer party leadership.

But as incompetent as they seem to be, stupid they aren’t. Nope, nosirree, no 25th Amendment for the Democrats.

Don’t think if they are stupid enough to replace Biden against his will that it proves that there was a conspiracy all along. No political operative worth the name would deliberately initiate this dumpster fire. Once people start panicking you can’t control them. No conspiracy would include every single Democrat in government or party leadership because you can’t trust them all. Which means when things hit the fan, some of your operatives start panicking.

Exactly what we’re seeing now. It’s almost amusing to watch the Democrats do the ‘hair on fire’ dance but it’s not healthy for the party. Scared people are often stupid. They also get paranoid. Then you end up with dozens of theories all over the media and thousands more people getting really upset. Yes, this mess is already spiraling out of control. Expect worse before it even thinks about getting better.

In Part Two we’ll discuss Democrat options and the likely fallout for the party itself. Part Three will discuss what this means for America.

Spoiler: this is not a crisis for the US. This is just a democratic republic righting itself. It’s part of the design. This is also a party system shift and we’re going to see two new parties coming soon. There’s nothing to be scared about and no reason for Americans to panic. America will be just fine.

The Democrat Party, not so much.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!