Democrat Party Collapse – What Will it Mean for Both Parties?

Amid the terror filled hype of impending civil war, WW3, climate doomsday, economic takeover by our new Chinese overlords, omnipresent racism that we can’t actually define, the Biblical level plague of C19 and, of course, the return of Trump, we hear the loudest screams of all coming from the ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ Democrats as they face the ultimate end of the world – being voted out of power. Oh, the horror.

Most of the over hype from the above list of doomsday scenarios comes from the Democrats. Rather than reaching out to voters and finding consensus on policy, they spent the last twenty years in perpetual crisis mode. It works – to a point. Sooner or later you run out of believable crises – or voters get so worn out that they no longer believe genuine crises – and you either have to learn that consensus building thing or run off the crisis cliff. Guess which one the Democrats chose?

Ordinarily, I’d be the first to say that it is WAY too soon to call the midterms – we haven’t even had the primaries yet. But these aren’t ordinary times. The gulf is so great that it’s showing up on even the worst polls – people are fed up with the Democrats and their insanity.

Honestly, I’m dubious that this is new – I think it’s been about twenty years in the making. You don’t learn how to accomplish wide spread cheating on your first try and a consistent encroachment would explain more than a few oddities over the last two decades. Policies that shouldn’t have had much traction seemingly approved by the voters who promptly voted in governors who opposed those policies. Politicians remaining in office after career ending scandals. Congress never getting around to investigating the rampant partisanship in the media. Yeah, something stinks in Denmark.

Be that as it may, here we are. It’s to the point that it will be a wonder if any Democrats will be elected in the midterms. Pelosi, in her D Uber Alles district, is unlikely to win a new term. People are weird about not knowingly voting for mentally impaired people and Pelosi is showing severe signs of decline. Hopefully, she just drops out – but I don’t see her winning in her present condition. And that is in an optimal district.

There are precious few other districts so optimized for Democrats. Incumbents have the best chance of winning but they are already jumping ship in droves. There’s no chance the Democrats will retain the House and little chance they retain the Senate. The White House is looking a bit shaky, too.

So, what happens if the Democrats lose in large numbers? They need to retain at least a third of the House seats and nearly half the Senate to remain a viable party. Below those levels they cannot affect legislation – they can’t get anything voted on, let alone passed nor can they block any Republican bills. The Democrats become totally useless.

The instant that happens – about midnight PDT on November 1, 2022 – the party will collapse. No more donors of any kind (excepting the most rabid of the party faithful) will donate to a ship under water. Funding dries up almost instantly. Corporate funding will have largely gone dry months earlier as the results became obvious and businesses realign so as to not offend the new sheriff in town. War chests that aren’t already depleted soon will be as the remaining bills come due. Elections are expensive and this one promises to be even more so as Democrats scramble to retain power. The party will be insolvent and the doors will close.

The DNC is dead. Long live whatever comes next.

Something will come. The DNC’s biggest problem has been a four decade effort to shoehorn in every possible group regardless of how obviously incompatible they are. The new party won’t be hampered that way. In all likelihood, several coalitions will form out of the ashes but only the most moderate has any chance of survival. It will take time before that party has more than token representation – three or four cycles at most, fewer if the Republicans do anything stupid – but it will gain traction. The US is still very centrist but we are also very contentious. The two party system suits us well and will continue even without the Democrats.

This isn’t the first such collapse – it will mark the sixth full party system shift in American history. There won’t be a civil war – and this go round the college kid crazies are likely to find a very different reception even in the most insane areas like Portland. Protest all you like, but rioting will land your little behinds in jail.

The mainstream media will likely go down with the Democrat ship – heck, they may even get blamed for the wreck. Those with strong survival instincts will suddenly start channeling their inner conservatives but I suspect most to the lunatic squad will be gone within a few months of the Democrat collapse.

So, big win for the Republicans and ice cream for everyone, right? Not so fast – this marks an extremely dangerous time for the Republicans. The most likely scenario is a populist takeover led by Trump – that seems to be happening now – but a neocon resurgence will spell the same kind of rapid doom for the Republicans. People don’t shift lifelong allegiances easily and they expect concrete results when they do. Instead of the usual promise much and deliver little, Republicans will have to deliver much – and a lot of it will be unpalatable to the political elite. Republicans tend to side with big donors when push comes to shove but in this case that would be suicide.

Yes, both parties can collapse at the same time – it’s happened before. Winning the midterms this year can be a Godsend if the Republicans play their cards right. It can also be their undoing.

Welcome to interesting times, political elites.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!