Democrat Election Interference is Happening and the Democrats are Still Losing

Isn’t it amazing that all the prosecutors in the various Trump indictments need to set trial dates right in the middle of the critical part of the primaries? It’s not like Trump needs to campaign or anything.

I will grant that his current massive lead against DeSantis may indicate less urgency for getting the Republican nomination. Thing is, the primaries do more than merely determine the nominees. The primary campaigns are also important for the general election.

Isn’t it mighty convenient?

Another amazingly convenient thing is that C19 is back! Just in time for unnecessary lockdowns, mask mandates and mail in ballots. Wow, how lucky can the Democrats get?

Not that lucky.

What’s a political party facing inevitable defeat to do? Another indictment! After all, if three indictments aren’t enough, four will certainly do the trick.

We can have a massive show trial with more than a dozen defendants in a court of highly questionable jurisdiction!

Why is Trump’s lead widening?

He didn’t even show up for the Republican debates! He was the star of the show anyway since they didn’t talk about anything else. Not that anyone would know because those who watched were watching Trump talking to Carlson on Twitter.

This doesn’t seem to be working quite right. Now what do we do?

Ah, of course! Let’s disqualify the opposition frontrunner!

If we get Trump off the ballot then Biden can cruise to an easy victory.! Everything will be fine!

Er, why are Democrats saying they won’t vote for Biden? We don’t have anyone else!

Wait, we’re losing the black vote?! Soccer moms?! How can that be? We have kept blacks on welfare for nearly three generations now! They should be completely dependent on us Democrats!

Oops, did we say the quiet part out loud?

Well, the soccer moms should be easy enough to turn around. Wait, you mean they actually get mad when we pump schools and libraries full of woke soft porn? But, but, everyone loves “My Two Moms Do Vegas”!

Hey, Disney, help us out here. Oh, the soccer moms aren’t coming to your parks anymore because you had men in dresses playing princesses? Weird.

Well, at least we finally got a Trump mugshot. Great, it’s even gone viral!

With Trump supporters using it to lambast Democrats?

Well, we can count on all those illegal immigrants we let into the country. We’ll just pass a few questionable laws to let ’em vote and… Wait, Hispanics for TRUMP?! WHAT!?!?!?! They don’t hate Christianity and capitalism like we do?! Who let them in?

Um, New York’s Mayor Adams is calling. Seems his town is going broke trying to support all the illegals. Didn’t we send them to Florida and Texas? Huh? Florida and Texas sent them to New York just because it’s a declared ‘sanctuary city’? Of all the nerve!

Er, how many ballots do we have to get Trump off of to keep him from winning the Republican primaries. That many, huh?

Is it too late to get Trump to run as a Democrat?

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!