Deep State and Cancel Culture: Is a Day of Reckoning Coming?

Yes, what a silly question.

You want details again, don’t you?

One of the most common and stupidest arguments commonly made for the NarrativeTM is that the public is some amorphous giant imbecile that can’t really handle the TruthTM. I swear, I think Washington gets Hollywood’s rejects to do their writing sometimes. Regardless, it’s moronic.

I can prove it. You, yes you, You know who you are, reading, listening or watching this commentary. If I told you that there was an asteroid about to hit your house, what would you do? If you’re totally brainless, you will charge out the door and never return. If you are a bit nervous, you might glance out the window. But most likely you’ll ignore me because I can’t possibly know that.

You, Dear Reader, are the imbecile ‘mob’ that TheyTM are referring to when they say ‘people’ can’t handle reality or free speech. Which one were you in the example I just gave? The vast majority will have been the last because common sense isn’t dead and most people have it. Those who looked out the window aren’t morons, either. Only those who ran screaming into the woods are true imbeciles.

How many of them do you know?

Exactly. None.

We the People aren’t idiots. We are a bit on the lazy side, however. We really, really want a set it and forget it government. We’d like antigravity cars, too. We’ve got a much better shot of getting the cars than a government we can safely leave on autopilot. That’s the lesson most of us are learning these last few years.

Oh well, we aren’t the first generation to learn the hard way and we won’t be the last.

But the party is over and oh, man, what a mess!

The legacy media is going back on the shelf. We no longer need to follow those we know lie to us. It was nice while it lasted, not having to figure out who could be trusted. Just turn on the TV and Walter would tell you everything you needed to know. Only, he didn’t really and this generation of talking heads is even worse.

The bureaucracy is still passed out on the couch. Well, first we get its pants back on and then we make it get up and clean up the floor. You’d think a ‘deep state’ could hold its liquor well enough to make it to the bathroom, but no. Dang, we’re gonna need a new carpet – and a new bureaucracy.

Don’t recognize half these party crashers. That guy is from China and how the heck did that Russian girl get on top of the refrigerator? I think that Antifatso guy brought her. Doesn’t matter, get them dressed, call the taxies and toss out the lot. Oh wait, Fascist guy is one of ours. Stupid mask… Tom?! Get your Democrat behind off the coffee table and start helping with the clean up!

Why are the folks we actually invited complaining that we aren’t taking their calls? Who turned off the ringer?! Tom! You better be able to explain this, Young Democrat!

Wait, why are all the invitations stuffed into the trash can?! TOM!!!!! Boy, you BETTER run! I wondered why so few people on the invitation list showed up. I suppose this explains how Fauci ended up at the party. Tom! Get Fauci away from the mirror and into a taxi!

Never mind. I have a better idea. It’s time to really clean house.

Hello, sheriff’s office? Yes, we have quite a mess. How many paddy wagons can you send? FBI will probably need two. Oh, and can you send the fire department, too? Someone needs to get the Democrats off their high horse. You’re on the way? Good, good. We’ll be taking names and kicking backside in the meantime.

Cancel culture is canceled. Court is now in session!

It would be nice if it were that easy. Unfortunately, clean up is never as fast as the wrecking crew. I know, America’s house looks like it needs to be condemned right now, but that’s just because these morons have been throwing up all over the place. The important part is that the doors are being opened now. We’re getting back in.

And we’re bringing a firehose.

Democrats have been overrun with leftists. Not merely folks on the left but actual card carrying, Leftists who want to see the US become communist. After all, it’s only failed every other time it’s been tried, what’s one more? Okay, so they also have more than a few anarchists – humorously calling themselves ‘anti-fascists’ and a bunch who seem to just want to break things. The Democrat ‘big tent’ has become a cesspool.

That was bad enough with the curtains closed but we’ve now had eight years of those curtains getting more and more frayed. They aren’t hiding much of anything anymore. The Democrats ceased to be an American political party some time ago. Now people are smelling the cesspool for themselves. The result is inevitable – the Democrat Party is in collapse.

The Republicans are no bed of roses but they do seem a bit more motivated in the self preservation department. The public’s patience is at an end. They seem to have gotten the memo and are actually working on election reform, social reform and anti-corruption. It’s a start but it’s not enough. Either the so called ‘uniparty’ dies or the Republican Party does.

No more playing nice. Conservatives in power – Republican or otherwise – are expected to do their bleeping jobs. Congressional investigations and the Durham Report are a lovely start but it’s not enough. Either criminal convictions and institutional reforms happen or we find new representatives. Sooner, not later.

The FBI isn’t a sacrificial lamb; it’s just the beginning. We’re going to be cutting the Federal budget the easy way – by eliminating most of the bloated bureaucracy.

None of that is quick but it is sure. How am I so sure?

I’ve been around long enough to know the American people. Nice folks but do not EVER get on their bad side. And both political parties are finding out just how bad that bad side can be. I only expect one to survive and no one cares if they both go. We can make political parties easily enough.

The other reason I’m so sure is simple. Either we clean up this mess or move. America doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

But she does have a big firehose.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!