Dear Disney, Southeast Asia Isn’t Racist. You Are.

In a surprise to no one with a pulse, Disney’s race swapping, live action klunker of a movie has sunk. The Little Mermaid, a purported remake of the great animated classic, has tanked at the box office. Golly, who’da thunk?

I mean, besides every fan of the original and all the Disney observers that have been screaming into the void. But they’re all just American conservatives who hate creepy computer animated fish. Disney, in its infinite lack of wisdom, knew they didn’t matter. After all a billion Chinese were waiting for a dark skinned Ariel to swim onto their screens.

Well, maybe they are waiting for it to hit the streaming services.

South Korea and China seem to finally agree on something: the movie stinks.

Obviously, this means they are all racists. They just didn’t like that the main character, a Danish mermaid, was black. No movie with a black lead could perform well in Southeast Asia.

That lasted a week. Then “Across the Spiderverse” hit theaters, domestic and foreign, and raked in the cash. For those not in the know, Across the Spiderverse stars Miles Morales as the Spider Representative from our world instead of the venerable Peter Parker. Miles is a cocky spiderkid from Brooklyn. He’s also black.


Seems folks in Southeast Asia will pay to see a black main character, just not a crappy remake.

That anyone accused entire nations of being racist simply because a movie performed poorly is beyond reprehensible. It tells us something about those crying ‘racism’; it tells us they are the real racists. They are the ones judging people on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. Well, they don’t think much of Martin Luther King, anyway.

Hiding behind the imaginary boogieman of ‘racist’ has become a staple of the Left. Unable to take criticism, they resort to name calling and the self righteous pretense. They justify their own hatred and bigotry with the façade of social justice. But it’s all just a farce.

And there isn’t enough lipstick in the world to cover up that pig now that it has been exposed. Having no character to speak of, they continue to squeal racism where there is none.

Except for in their own little black hearts.

Spread the word!

Author: Archena

Cranky old lady with two degrees in Political Science and she ain't afraid to use 'em!